Pucker Up!

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Hinata's POV

Wait... Kiss? T-there's no way Kageyama would go through with that! H-he wouldn't! I mean... I wouldn't be too bothered. But that's different! He said he'd do what's necessary, and I trust him to do that. Whether that means kiss or not.

Just don't look up Shouyou, it'll all be over soon. Pretend you didn't hear them... Pretend that it's just you and Kageyama.

Kageyama's POV

I've kissed him on the cheek, so what's a little more to the right? I promised Hinata that I'd do what's needed to get them to leave. But... Is this needed? He's so delicate, I don't want to confuse him, or make him hate me. No, he won't. He'll understand, surely! After all, girls kiss all the time, it's like a greeting for them!

I can't believe I'm getting my first kiss this way.

So... how does this kissing thing work? Do I just press our lips together? Is there something essential you have to do to prepare for it?

Tobio, you're such an idiot! Stop over thinking and just kiss the boy for fuck sake!

Hinata's POV

I can't take it any longer. I have to look up, I have to see Kageyama's face. See how he feels.

I slowly look up, to see him looking at me the same way... Is he thinking the same too?

He mouthed 'I'm sorry' before giving me reassuring smile.

I smiled back, 'it's okay' I mouthed.

'Should we do this?'

'I don't mind'

'Me neither'

Our heads got closer together, as we both knew what was happening. The world was in slow motion, as the heart beat got louder and louder.

I stood on my tip-toes, letting us get even closer. We were about 3cm apart, and getting closer by the second. We cocked our heads to opposite sides and puckered, closing out eyes at the same time, getting ready for what would forever change a friendship. We didn't know whether it was for good or for bad.

This was it.

My first kiss.

We collided, our lips softly fitted together like a jigsaw. His lips were so soft, being in his arms and company like this just felt... Right. It felt like it lasted forever, which I'm not complaining about. I wish it did.

I completely forgot about the douche bags that were watching us, and I swear, even if it was for only a millisecond, It wasn't a fake kiss to try and prove some dicks wrong, it was just Kageyama and I kissing. I'll never forget that.

As Kageyama put his hand on my cheek, I put mine on his chest. The heartbeat. It was his. Even his hand on my face made me blush madly, as it was implying that he was enjoying it as well, which made me feel ecstatic.

We both pulled away, but only slightly. Though out lips weren't connected anymore, it still felt so real. We felt so real.

We both opened our eyes and saw that... Those dicks. They filmed it.

Kageyama's POV

He wanted it too. I could see it on his face when he smiled back at me, if he minded, he would've found someway of telling me. But he didn't mind, and neither did I.

Whilst we were connected, I could feel his nerves disappear. This was his first kiss too, wasn't it?

His face was so soft, it was like the skin of a baby. When he put his hand on my chest, it was hard to let him go. I didn't want to let him go.

But hey, it was just to prove a point, right? I feel like that shouldn't have happened there and then... But at some point. I'll have to thank him later. Thank him for giving me the best first kiss imaginable.

I look to my left, and see a camera.

Fuck. They ran off, obviously having recorded mine and Hinata's moment.

"I-I'm so sorry" he stood flat on the ground so he was at his normal level, his voice was significantly lower than it normally is.

"No, you're not. You shouldn't be" I said back, smiling at him.

We decided to just go back to Hinata's house, and not to try and chase down the guys.

The walk there was oddly silent, me and Hinata not even looking at each other, but the strange thing? We were both smiling.

I think the problem was that we had no idea on how to start a conversation. Should we talk about random shit? Should we talk about what just happened?


Non of us talked until we got back to Hinata's. The first one to say (or he screamed it really) anything was Hinata.

"It's only been 15 minutes?" He jumped, with his mouth wide open.

"Nah, it had to be longer then that. There's no way!" I replied, falling for Hinata's trap.

"Aha! so it felt like forever for you as well!" He was trying to say things that'd get me to be honest about how I felt about it all.

"Um y-yeah" I blushed, scratching the back of my head.

"Are you blushing, Kageyama?" He asked, getting quite close to my face.

"N-n-no! Why would I be! I-idiot..." I looked away from him, I just started blushing twice as much.

"You're cute when you're angered, Kageyama!" He said, bobbing his head to be right within my gaze.

"Shōyō... You know we need to properly talk about this as much as I do. We can't avoid it forever" I hesitantly told him.

"Tobio... Follow me" He gently took my wrist and guided me out of the room.


Hoi! Sorry I went on for over half the chapter about the kiss. I like putting detail in milestones like this in stories, oops! Thanks for reading ^-^

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