Old Habits Die Hard

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Hinata's POV

What is it? This truth that Kageyama seems to seek, because I genuinely don't know if I have it. I mean, I don't lie to him.

"Morishige... How do you know him?" He asked, standing up out of his seat as the bell for next period rang.

"Middle school. He was just a meanie, there's nothing really to it"

"Hinata... I'm not trying to sound rude, but why do you let people do that to you?"

What is he on about? It's not like I asked for it!

"Knowing you, you'd be too scared to hurt the others feelings or hit a nerv, so you would just let it happen" He said, brushing our hands together. He's not wrong. I was like that. I am like that.

I know that I need to learn to stick up for myself, but if I could do that without insults, then I would.

"Hey... It's those guys from the video!" A girl pointed at us and whispered, thinking we couldn't hear her.

Kageyama grabbed my hand, giving it a big squeeze. We didn't have the same lesson next, I had PE whilst he had English.

"Don't let it get to you, dumbass!" Kageyama smiled at me, just to let me know that he was messing.

"I-I won't" I said, stopping in my tracks since my class was here.

He hugged me goodbye, then went on towards his class.

I hated getting changed in the locker room, I was with all the rest of the boys, and no matter where you looked, guys were just talking about boobs or something like that.

I tried to change as quick as possible, closing my eyes whilst doing so.

I liked to get there as quick as possible, so usually I'd be changed already before anyone else got there. I failed doing that this time.

I hoped that I could wait it out, and just get changed after everyone else, but the teacher always walked in and out.

"Hinata! Start getting dressed!" He shouted. He was proper scary.

I did as I was told, slipping my shirt off. It was freezing, so I just grabbed my PE shirt and started slipping over my head when, I got suck. Only me. When I finally got the shirt over my head-

Of course.

My pants and underwear got pulled down.

I immediately picked them back up and covered myself, before turning around to confront the guy who did it.

"W-why did you do that?" I asked. He was towering over me, but luckily it wasn't Morishige or any of his minions.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He said, walking closer.

This is it, Shōyō! A chance to properly stick up for yourself!

"Nothing..." I said, my brain was telling my mouth to say anything but that, but it just seemed automatic.

They laughed at themselves, then left. This PE lesson was super annoying. We were doing volleyball, so you can imagine how pumped I were!


But everyone else had never played volleyball before. I mean, it's not their fault at all, but I couldn't help but get frustrated at the setter's tosses. Normally, I could tell Kageyama exactly how to do it, and he'd do it exactly how I described. But not everyone is Kageyama.

Our team still won overall. Using me as decoy really helps out in any match we play, since because of my past spikes, the team are focusing on me, so when I Iook like I'm about to spike, all the blockers are focusing on me, but the others spike it instead.

I'm not gonna bore you anymore with our strategies,I know that volleyball isn't everyone's thing.

Kageyama's POV

I hate the fact that Hinata and I don't have PE together. We'd be unbeatable in volleyball, and I think he'd feel less awkward and unsettled in general. Some people just piss all over people like him. Nice, happy, optimistic people.

He's too nice to fight his corner, so he brushes it off. But no matter how much he tries, it won't work forever. Just like volleyball plays. The opponents are starting to recognise his patterns, being aware of his decoy abilities. Aware of the 'freak duo'.

He's starting to crack, I can tell. They're subtle, but the changes are still there. The things he says, how he does things... They're changing. They're changing because he's letting others influence his morals, his feelings, his life. Even he doesn't notice it yet.

But when the time comes, he will learn to be strong. And I will help teach him. I just have to wait. For him to be happy, I have to sit back until he tells me himself. Yeah, it'll kill me. But it's for his own good.

I'm so sorry, Hinata. But it's the only way. I'll keep encouraging you, sure. But your in denial. You don't want to do anything about it, because you believe that it isn't a problem until you pay attention to it and make it one.

I thought the same thing once. You're in for a tough time. Again, I'm sorry. You don't deserve it, but the world isn't all you want it to be.


Hoi! Since I'm burning at school (seriously it's so hot in England we're not used to this), I'm trying to write whenever I can. Even if that includes awkwardly looking behind me on the bus to make sure no ones reading it from over my shoulder. Thanks for reading! ^-^ (btw, I literally just realised that I've been spelling Shōyō wrong, so now I'm gonna have to back track and change that oops)

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