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Hinata's POV

I skipped home with no interruptions, only volleyball and Kageyama on my mind.

Once I got home, I was worn out. I decided to get a nap, so I went upstairs and flopped onto my bed, a sigh escaping my mouth.

"What was that about?" My Mum came in asking.

"W-what? What about? What is what? Seriously, what are you on about women?" I stuttered. Bloody hell, why can I never lie to my Mum!

"You're hilarious Shō, you really are" She chuckled a little bit "But you know what I mean! What happened today?"

I tried to calm down. Just the amount of excitement that rushed through me got the better of me.

"We... Watched a film, then we went on a walk" I said, swallowing hard.

"What film?

"Women in Black"

"Shō, you hate horror films"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"You wanted to snuggle up to Kageyama, didn't you!" She said excitedly.

"What? No! Why would you even think that?"

"I saw you kiss in the living room, you dip stick!" I don't even know how she saw me kissing a boy, and then acts so... Casual about it. God, my Mum's the best!

"Oh.. Yeah..." I blushed. And I blushed hard.

"Sooooo, how long has this been happening then?" She asked.

"Only today, actually"

"You really like him don't you?"

"H-how do you-"

"You wouldn't kiss someone you didn't. We both know that. Anyway, finally had your first kiss!"


"What? My little boy is all grown up! I can just tell by your face. It was magical, wasn't it?" I smiled, and nodded.

She didn't know we actually kissed 5 times. 5! How the fuck did Hinata Shōyō get kissed 5 times! I've already beat my life target!

"Well, I'll leave you to it! I bet you're tired. Night, darling"

"Love you"

And just like that, boom. Out like a light.




"Hey, meet me and Kageyama in the gym at around 8?"

"Yeah... OK. Is everything alright?"

"Just be there"

I hated phone calls. So... Awkward.

"There, that's Suga sorted!" I told Kageyama.

"This... Is actually happening, isn't it?" He said, looking at me and smiling.

"Yes. Yes it is. Oh, and I've actually got quite a funny story to tell you. It's about my Mum..."

I told him about mine and Mum's conversation, and he almost pissed himself

"Seriously? Babe, your Mum's the best!"

He... Called me... Babe. I don't know why I get so emotional! But he... This is actually happening.

"Hmm? Oh my god, you're crying! Are you okay? Do you need anything? Are you cold? I'll give you my jacket if you're cold-"

"I'm not sad you idiot!" I laughed hard, finding Kageyama's stress and worry hilarious.

"It's not funny!.. Idiot"

I checked the time. "Shit! We're going to be late!"

I grabbed hold of him and ran, it only took him a couple of second to pull up next to me, though.

"Just because you're my boyfriend, don't expect me to go easy on you in a race!"

"Bring it on!"

We ran the rest of the way, pulling ahead and falling back several times during the whole journey, but in the end up...


"What? Come on Suga! You know for a fact that I won then!" I whined.

"No you didn't! I clearly got here before you did, dumbass!"

We frowned at each other for a few seconds.

"Guys, what did you wanna tell me?" We could tell Suga was getting quite inpatient. He needed to set up for practice.

"Well um... Kageyama and I are... Um..." I got so nervous. Suga is our friend! Why on earth did I freeze up?

"Hinata is my boyfriend" Kageyama said, flashing me a reassuring smile.

"Finally!" Suga said. "Noya and Daichi owe me money..."

"Wait, WHAT?" Kageyama and I said in unison.

"Well, ever since you joined, we all kinda sort of made bets as to if and when you'll get together" Suga laughed at our faces. "You didn't think we'd be surprised, did you?"

"Well, at least a little" I said, pouting again.

Kageyama's POV

I don't know why I was so nervous about being public with Hinata, Hinata's Mum was so cool about it, and the volleyball team were even betting on it. Jesus Christ.

"Guys, can you go get the net from the storage room please?"

Hinata and I went into the storage room, but all the equipment wasn't in there.

The door closed behind us. And locked from the outside. We didn't have a key so we couldn't open it.

"What the fuck, Suga?!" I shouted, kicking the door.

"Babe... Look" Hinata pointed towards the window (which was also locked).

Of course. The whole volleyball team was stood there.

"How did-" I was cut off by seeing Daichi with some sort of microphone object.

"We want proof of your relationship!"he shouted, pointing through the window.

"Proof? Why the fuck does everyone want proof?" Hinata complained. I was thinking the same thing.

"But we don't want just a peck. That could be a mutual agreement between friends. That just a kiss on the lips that lasts a few seconds is how far they'll go to trick us! Do prove it! You're not coming out of that room, unless you admit that this is fake, or make out!"

"I'm going to kill him" I muttered.

Me and Hinata just stared Daichi down, but we knew for a fact that we were locked in the room, so until we got out, we couldn't touch him. But that's the thing, we had to actually get out first. And I weren't up for saying that Hinata and I's relationship was fake. But... Is Hinata okay with the other option? And especially in front of all our friends. I can imagine Hinata to be quite frigid in all honest-

"Hey, Kageyama. What do you say we give them what they asked for?" Hinata smirked at me.


Hoi! That was fun to write! Parts might not be released as much, but I'll try and do one everyday. School just started (kill me) I'm at theatre school after school till 8:30pm for a bit. Thanks for reading! ^-^

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