Wake Up

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Hinata's POV

Thank god that's over! I mean, I obviously love volleyball, but when you're so much more advanced than everyone else, it's annoying since I can't play up to my full potential. That sounds so horrible! I'm sorry, everyone in my PE! They had no idea I said this. Still feel bad though.

I heard people laughing and saw them pointing at me. I could already tell it was about the video, so I shook it out of my head and smiled at them. If they see that I'm really just a nice guy, they might like me!

"Hey... Hinata Shōyō?" This was another person I didn't know, so there was no doubt in my mind that this, too, was about the video.

"Y-yeah?" I said, not making eye contact with him.

"Is it true that you're dating the official setter of the volleyball te-"

"Hinata! Get a move on, we're gonna be late!" Kageyama walked out in front of us, giving me a some-what scary look.

Late for what? It was only third lesson, and as far as I knew, we weren't planning on doing anything. But, I trust him. He must have a plan.

"Oh, yeah!" I jogged up to join him, then just walked along in silence, leaving the mysterious man behind.

Once he was out of site, I decided to ask Kageyama about what he was thinking.

"Late for what?" He picked up his pace, so I did too.

"Don't talk. Just follow me"

We eventually made it out of school bounds, without either one of us saying a word. I was pretty scared about talking honestly, Kageyama is scary when he does this.

I felt really bad for skipping class, but this seemed way more important.

We finally arrived at some forrest which is right near our houses, where Kageyama just randomly stopped.

I walked back until I was in front of his face. He wouldn't look at me.

"How?" He asked me, not moving a muscle.

"What are you on about?" I giggled slightly, hoping that it was a joke.

"How do you do it?" He swallowed hard. "How do you act so strong?" He finally looked up at me, and I'm slightly terrified.

"Uh..." I started walking backwards, but of course I tripped up, and fell right onto a tree. Luckily, it stopped me from falling.

Kageyama stepped forward, inches away from me.

"You... Can deal with criticism. I thought that you were just bottling up how it actually makes you feel... But no. I've thought about it, and they've just made you stronger, happier! And better yet, you don't even say anything back, you know that you're better than them, so you don't sink to their level!" He was crying by now, grabbing on to my collar. "So, I'm asking how you do it"

"Stronger? Happier? What are you saying? The criticism and the teasing, they don't make me stronger! I can simply just pretend it's a joke. I hate that I can't stick up for myself, or even insult anyone with out instant regret! I'm not the strong one here. If I was strong, I would have told you how I felt about you months ago!"

Shit, I didn't mean for that last bit to slip out. I immediately covered my mouth.

"In that case... I'm not strong either" He let go of my collar, then looked at me in a way that left me puzzled about his train of thought.

"What do mean?" I asked.

"Hinata... For months now, when you're around, my heart beats fast, and I suddenly feel nervous. At first, I thought that it was because I didn't know how to act around you. I didn't want to cause conflict because we're teammates, and if we didn't get along it'd affect our games"

Didn't want to cause conflict? so calling me dumbass every 10 seconds and treating me like an outcast wasn't an attempt at conflict?

"... So... The feeling's mutual?" I asked

"Well yeah... If you feel the same"

"I-I do" I said confidently. I stood up straight and took a few baby steps forward.

He smiled

Kageyama Tobio smiled. I'd been seeing his smile a lot recently, but they've always been to reasure me, or because he's happy (which is weird anyway!). However, this smile was different, accompanied by a deep breath, it was a smile of relief. I'd never seen it before. I don't think anyone had.

Kageyama's POV

"So... What now?" I asked, our faces inches away from each other.

He smiled, whilst grabbing the back of my head. I didn't need any other sign, so I responded by putting my hand on his cheek, and kissing him softly, whilst slightly bending down.


Hoi, sorry that this is rather short! So sorry that I haven't updated, my theatre production just finished, and that was literally draining every ounce of energy I had 'cause I had practice every day 'till late, but that's over now, so I'll get back to my (hopefully) once a day update thingy majig. Thanks for reading ^-^

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