Review Policy

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PM for details if you're still interested.


An honest, no holds barred review of your book: ~500 words.

Your book's main genre must be Fantasy, Adventure, or Humor with Fantasy/Adventure elements. No exceptions!

I will read the first few chapters of your book and provide feedback on your story's strengths and weaknesses, which may include comments on plot development, characterization, style, and pacing. I will post the review in this book and leave a short comment in your book. If I really enjoy your book, I will add it permanently to one of my reading list(s) for all to see.

I will NOT fix your grammar and spelling mistakes. I won't even point them out. Please make sure your work is reasonably free of errors, otherwise I may opt to stop reading your book, in which case feel free to get a refund.

Warning: my reviews can be scathing, so be prepared! Once I accept your book for review, there is no turning back!


I spend a lot of time and effort reading and reviewing your book. All I ask in return is for you to follow me on social media: Facebook and/or Twitter. I'm sorry if you don't have either of those. I currently don't accept any other payment options.

Please read the following instructions carefully:

1. Post a COMMENT at the bottom of this chapter "Review Policy" with the Title and Link of the book you'd like reviewed.

2. Once I see your comment, I will add your book to my reading list "Books To Review". I review 2-3 books a week, so the number of books in the list will give you an idea of when yours will be up for review.

3. When your book is up for review, I will send you a message to let you know.

4. When you receive my message, please go to my profile and click the Facebook and/or Twitter link and Follow.

5. Message me on Wattpad with the name / user you followed me with on Facebook/Twitter.

6. I write your review and post it within 1 day.

I hope this makes sense.

I'm super excited to read your books!


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