And So I Believed

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Author: Laughing_Shadows
Title: And So I Believed

And So I Believed is a Fantasy story set in modern day Japan.

Our protagonist, Yuripiko, is a Geisha and a pickpocket. She has a dark past and has struggled through life, which shape her cynical view of the world and people around her. She's temperamental, lacks faith/trust in others, stubborn, extremely patronizing, deceitful, basically an all-round unlikable person. As a character, I think she's rather interesting. In the first few chapters, the author continuously hammers down her seemingly unredeeming traits (almost to the point of frustration for me). Her wit is what saves the character;  she insults pretty much everyone who crosses her, and I must say it's downright hilarious at times.

To offset Yuripiko's abrasive personality, the author gives us Mitsue, a celestial being sent to protect her. He's kind, presumably handsome, and loyal to a fault. The interactions between these two characters is pure comedy, with Mitsue struggling to convince Yuripiko of her heritage (that she's the daughter of God himself!), and Yuripiko constantly dismissing him as a fool. It's a bit over the top and reminds me of how characters are portrayed in animes. I think it works! If the book was about Yuripiko alone, it would've been unbearable, but with Mitsue as a counterbalance, the book might just be interesting to read.

I must say there are a lot of flaws with the writing, especially in the early chapters. Aside from the numerous grammar mistakes and POV shifts, the tone in general felt bland and emotionless. I believe this is a result of too much telling and not enough imagery. I wasn't able to picture the setting, from where the protagonist worked to the streets she wandered to the apartment she lived in. There were also some missed opportunities for deeper characterization. One scene has Yuripiko performing a dance for a customer and stealing his wallet. This is all over in three sentences! It was the perfect time to show her cunning and deceit as well as world building, but the details are quickly glossed over.

The dialogue is somewhat stilted and contrived simply to showcase Yuripiko's wit. The problem is the prose doesn't always match the dialogue. I see Yuripiko as having an air of sophistication, but outside of dialogue, the narrator uses words like "crap" and "shit". Though those words get the point across, I think it cheapens her character. I felt awkward going through these inconsistencies in tone. The author must stay out of the story, and let the characters speak for themselves.

Overall, I think And So I Believed is worth a look, despite the follows. The premise is interesting enough, and I expect there to be a lot of cultural references in the story, which is always a plus for Wattpad. With warnings, check it out!

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