Delvers LLC

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Author: Beardeplume
Title: Delvers LLC

Delvers LLC is a story about two typical guys from modern Earth transported to a fantasy world called Ludus where they are forced to fight to survive. The "transported to another world" premise has been done to death, and to be honest, I didn't have high expectations for Delvers LLC. Boy, was I wrong!

The author jumps right into the story, introducing us to Jason and Henry,  two unsuspecting guys who are unluckily selected by the Great God Dolos for his dubious experiment. They're told that in order to return to Earth, they must "conquer and unite all kingdoms" on Ludus. Still trying to make sense of the new world they're in, Jason and Henry begin their quest with minimal items and supplies. They immediately encounter a group of goblins who have enslaved a family of humans, and being true to their morals and beliefs, they resolve to fight against the presumed evil, even if it means risking their lives.

Unlike many books of this sub-genre where the plot is often one-dimensional and characters only have one goal, Delvers LLC adds a much-welcomed complexity to the storytelling. It isn't just about defeating the bad guys, saving the world and going home; Jason and Henry are humans with emotional baggage. They'll have to sort out their real-world problems while battling monsters and demons: Jason has his alcoholic step-father, "the worst chapter of his life", and Henry has been in multiple car crashes that were "not his fault". The author expertly injects these seemingly irrelevant information into a Fantasy story, but I believe (and hope) Jason and Henry's back stories will play an important role in them getting back home. There's also a scene in Chapter 2 I really like where, after having slaughtered a goblin, one of the characters questions whether it was the right thing to do because it was essentially murder. This is the kind of depth that makes a story great.

The story alternates between Jason and Henry's POV. I think this is a wise choice as it allows the readers to experience the story through both their eyes. The two are quite different and complement each other perfectly, both in the story sense and that their skills make them a good team. Jason, who works in IT and probably loves video games, provides practical knowledge on weapons and armor. Henry, who used to be in the army and now works as an EMT, has his survivor instincts and a background in strategy that will surely come in handy. They're both believable and relatable characters. Another thing I really enjoyed while reading is the humor peppered throughout the story. As an author myself, I believe that humor is an important ingredient in telling memorable stories, and Delvers LLC will definitely be memorable to read!

I have absolutely no complaints about this story. The writing is clear, concise, and effective. And unlike other stories where it feels like you're reading about characters in a video game, Delvers LLC feels like you're actually in the game, experiencing it all with Jason and Henry. It is a MUST READ hidden gem on Wattpad that deserves all the attention from fans of Fantasy. Go read it now!

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