My Story: To Love

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Author: blare_lina
Title: My Story: To Love

My Story: To Love is a story about a girl who moved to a new city with her parents after a tragic incident and discovers there's more to this city than meets the eye. It's supposed to be Fantasy but I didn't read far enough to find out. Based on the book cover and tags, we should expect to see vampires, werewolves, and others of the like.

The story starts off with an intriguing Prologue that appears to foreshadow disaster for our heroine, Carina Illingworth. This is the first time I've seen a Prologue done right on Wattpad, so I'll give the author huge brownie points for this.

Unfortunately, the story deteriorates from there. A couple chapters in and there still isn't a clear plot. After the Prologue, we end up in Carina's bedroom with her waking up. She describes her room to us, gets up, goes to the bathroom to do number 1 or number 2 (I'm not sure), takes a shower, puts a towel on her wet body, looks for jeans to wear, ties her shoelaces while singing a song her dad taught her about tying shoelaces, and has breakfast with her mom. Then the two get in a car and drive to her school, along the way enjoying the scenery, listening to the news on the radio, while arguing a bit about mom's possible fling with someone named Larry. That's all Chapter 1.

Although we get a good sense of Carina's character and her family's situation, there is so much mundane and seemingly unimportant details thrown at us that we don't know what to keep our eyes on. I can't for the life of me figure out what the plot is. It seems to hint at a romance gone wrong between Carina and a guy. Chapter 2 starts with a flashback—the most intriguing part yet—of Carina meeting Josh and they supposedly become good friends. Then we're back in the present in Carina's high school where we are once again tortured with girly gossip nobody could care less about. It does end on a cliffhanger, finally alluding to some action and a hint of the plot. But I won't be reading further to find out.

My Story: To Love is too slow for me and is not the kind of Fantasy I would ever read. It's messy in plot and in writing. The story is littered with grammatical and spelling mistakes that will test your patience. I would steer clear of this book until the author finds time to edit it.

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