Throne of Power: Ascendance

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Author: ChrisLordOfVikings
Title: Throne of Power: Ascendance

Throne of Power: Ascendance is an action-packed fantasy story set in a world where kings and queens rule and rebels fight for change. Told through the eyes of key players of each clan, the story flips back and forth between their POVs, offering a different perspective each time and giving the plot an air of mystery. The style is reminiscent of Game of Thrones, but with more vibrant and colorful storytelling.

Wow! What a whirlwind of explosive action, witty dialogue, and an epic cast of characters. We first meet Draven, a cool and confident man with a keen eye for noticing beautiful women. Under the care and guidance of his brother, Aesther, he's learned the art of war and combat, and has grown to become a competent warrior and leader. Commanding a group of men, he and Aesther rebel against the kingdom of Alexandria and attempt to stop the coronation of a new queen. Then, there's a Caroline, princess of the land of Darlan, a warrior who's never killed, but has a thirst to kill. Sent to protect the to-be queen, she's not too happy and seems to have an agenda of her own. Finally, we meet Titanya, thrusted into power after the death of her father, the King of Alexandria. With the kingdom now in her hands, she plots to destroy the rebels, while trying to win the loyalty and respect of her subjects.

The characters are so well crafted, each having a distinct tone and varying appeal. As a reader, you will be immersed in their world, and experience alongside them their every thought and emotion, your heart beating with theirs with every word you read. It's that good!

Reading Throne of Power: Ascendance is like watching a movie. Everything on the screen is described to us in vivid detail as we move fluidly from one scene to the next. From the emotions of characters and their desires, to the setting, and down to the clashing of shields and swords, we get a good view of every single shot, close up and long.

My only beef with the book is it is overly descriptive, flooding all five senses to the point of suffocation. I felt like a little kid in an overcrowded carnival full of street performers, dragged around by my parents. It was challenging to absorb all the details and I had to re-read some of the paragraphs to fully grasp what was going on in each scene. Don't get me wrong. The writing is stellar. The author has a distinct and recognizable voice, one many writers strive to develop. Fans of Tolkien's LOTR will no doubt lap up every last drop of imagery the author has so generously drizzled all over each word. But boy, what a mess! If the author could tone it down a little and vary the length of sentences a bit more (and not write paragraph-long sentences!), the story would be much more robust and palatable.

Still, I urge you to check out Throne of Power: Ascendance. Writers could learn a thing or two about great storytelling, and readers will experience an intense story that will leave them in awe.

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