Mistwalker: Rise Of The Keeper

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Author: The-Penmen
Title: Mistwalker: Rise Of The Keeper
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/65368564-mistwalker-rise-of-the-keeper

Mistwalker: Rise Of The Keeper is a complex story about war among the realms of a world called Alasrian. Some major themes in the story include nature, religion, and cultural and racial diversity. The blurb is well-written and definitely captured my attention, so I was quite excited to read and review the book.

The story begins with Ariana, budding queen of Arda, who has an important task at hand: protect her kingdom against the other realms. Together with her loyal spymaster, Luthric, the two review the latest reports on the neighboring forces that could potentially threaten the safety of her people. Sounds boring already, doesn't it? Because it is. As a Prologue, it is too weak and lengthy. We are inundated with names of people and places we have not yet come to know but expect to remember and care about. The author must think he's so clever, masquerading a giant smelly info dump in the form of a "report" Luthric provides to Ariana. It's too static. There's no action. I'm falling asleep.

The Prologue does manage to score some points at the end where it alludes to Luthric's secret agenda and appears to foreshadow Tracea soldier who questions Ariana's competence as queencommiting treason. The character of Ariana as a reluctant hero is mildly interesting, although I feel she is somewhat of a cliché. I hope the author will add some complexity to her in the subsequent chapters.

Ok, on to the positive points. The author is superb at creating imagery, which can be seen in Chapter 1. We meet Kegami, a dryad, who dreams of one day becoming a Warden and protecting her kind. We follow her as she washes her face in a stream, then takes a leisure stroll through the forest, when suddenly, she hears a noise. She's excited! What could it be? She tracks it down. Uh oh, it's a hideous monster gnawing on a rabbit. She's in big trouble. Now this is more like it! I'll forgive the short segment where Kegami looks at her reflection in the water and describes her facial features. The content is otherwise solid. All five senses are played to. We witness the beauty of the forest where Kegami lives, feel the gentle breeze of a hot summer's day, hear nature sing, smell the dead rabbit, and then almost taste Kegami's fear as she stares into the eyes of the monster that's about to devour her. And such great pacing, too. I'd say, a job well done and an author redeemed.

But wait! The author goes back to his old ways in Chapter 2. I suppose there are readers out there who will enjoy the intricate world building. I myself am on the fence about Mistwalker: Rise Of The Keeper. But do check it out! You might find something you will enjoy.

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