Unhappily Ever After

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Author: da_homosapiensapien
Title: Unhappily Ever After
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/68481836-unhappily-ever-after

Unhappily Ever After is an humorous twist on the aged-old fairy tales we've come to know and love as children. In this book, we follow four Disney princesses as they vie for the love of one Prince Charming in a battle to the death!

I believe humor is one of the most challenging aspects of writing to get right, as it is quite subjective. A joke might be funny to one person but not the other. It often demands that readers have forehand knowledge of the topic presented, otherwise they'll be scratching their heads. Unhappily Ever After does a commendable job in the humor department. The premise itself is hilarious: four Disney princesses pitted against each other à la The Hunger Games to win Prince Charming's love; loads of potential for laugh-out-loud moments right from the get-go! The competitors: Belle, Ariel, (Cinder)ella, and Snow White are each given quirky personality traits that paint them as bizarre and funny characters. Most notable is the "Sinister" Snow White, who's opening scene has her plunging a knife into the body of her stepmother! What a way to introduce a character! The author definitely captured my attention and had me in smiles almost the whole way through.

The problem I have with the story is that it relies heavily on shock and surprise for its laughs. In one scene, Ariel becomes so disoriented after having arrived on land that she vomits, and then she proceeds to fall face-flat in it. This kind of humor garners some chuckles at first, but quickly gets old. If you've ever seen a parody movie (e.g. The Starving Games), it is essentially that but in book format. I would've liked to have seen more variety in the types of jokes employed as well as more sophistication and subtlety in how they are delivered. I love a good nuanced joke that makes me feel clever for getting it, though I think that's asking a bit too much for a story about Disney princesses. And it goes back to the subjectivity of humor. I am only one reader...

Aside from some incorrect punctuation and structure issues, the writing itself is solid. The story is written in multiple POV's, switching between each effortlessly. One challenge for the author will be to make the four female character voices distinct. This can be done perhaps by attributing a type of humor to each character (I expect Snow White to keep slitting throats on her way to victory!). What stands out is the author's ability to blend elements from Disney stories with her own ideas to create a unique fairy tale world. Is this cheating? I'd say no. The author shows immense creativity and should be applauded for it. The story is one of the most memorable I've reviewed so far.

Overall, Unhappily Ever After is a light and enjoyable read with promise of chuckles and smiles. If you're looking for a parody on Disney stories, I can't imagine anything better on Wattpad. Go check it out!

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