Seriously Super Stupid Costumes

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District 1: Anthony
District 2: Ian
District 3: Mari
District 4: Noah
District 5: Lasercorn
District 6: Olivia
District 7: Jovenshire
District 8: Shayne
District 9: Keith
District 10: Courtney
District 11: Wes
District 12: Sohinki

District 1
Anthony was nervous as he waited on his chariot. He was supposed to be the first one out to see the crowd. He would've felt better if there was another person there with him, but with Quarter Quell and all, Anthony was alone.
As he was getting ready, he watched the other tributes in their costumes, they watched him too. He watched a few people in particular. On the train ride, his mentor, Cress, told him about getting allies, and getting sponsors. Anthony watched them, but he didn't want to be picky. If someone asks him, he'll accept and then he has an ally. Cress wanted him to get someone who'll be useful to his survival, Anthony doesn't really care.
Someone came out and said that he's leaving in one minute. Anthony looked behind him and looked at the boy from District 2. He looked friendly, but Cress's words asked him, would he be useful. District 2 smiled at him. Maybe.

District 2
Ian stood proudly as his chariot slowly descended down the path. Ian waved and smiled. He looked back and chuckled at district 3's fearful face. He probably looked cocky which can't be good sponsor-wise, but he didn't think about it and waved. Ian figured this could give him an image.
But it wasn't really an image, just him smiling and waving, and laughing at District 3, Ian didn't have a great plan so far.

District 3
Mari didn't want to be there. If she wasn't at the Capitol, she'd be working with her mother, doing a lot of different things, tending the shop, planting, out at the square, or with her friends watching the Games.
She kept thinking about what she would be doing, what she should be doing, how unfair life is, she was cussing President Smosh out in her mind, and trying to keep still in her chariot.
Mari looked to the audience on her right, smiled a little but then went ahead to stare ahead of her. District 2 looked back at her for a second, but she didn't do anything. She just imagined President Smosh's death a thousands different.

District 4
Noah was uncomfortable in his costume, he thought, this isn't what I volunteered for, just let us into the arena.
He shook his head at the crowd who looked like they'd die to meet the tributes. They're delusional. Noah didn't know who he was talking about then, the crowd or the other tributes.
He looked at the part of the crowd shouting his name, he smiled at them when he remembered sponsors are plan B.
Noah didn't want to be vain, but he felt powerful.

District 5
Lasercorn felt scared on the chariot, but his mentor and stylist told him it's no big deal, and not to show it. If he couldn't be back at home, he wanted to be on his district's floor where he's staying for a week before Lasercorn enters the games.
Before the chariots went out to the crowds, he glanced at every other tribute. Some of them looked perfect to be allies with.
Like district's 3, 7, 11 and 12. He figured he should try to impress them. So he stood broadly, calmly, but also as intimidating as he could.
But inside, he felt sick. Physically sick, and homesick.

District 6
Olivia felt tiny compared to everyone as they awaited to get onto the chariots. She isn't a threat but instead just another filler. A child. She shouldn't be here.
So she devised a plan, to master necessary skills and prove to be an asset to anyone's team. Which is going to be hard, because at home, she trained herself to be successful at running a business and a family rather than survival and murder. Olivia's gonna have to train harder than everyone else.

District 7
Joven sat still, waiting for someone to say that they're supposed to be on the chariots. That's when the guy from district 11 came up to him.
"My name's Wes, I think we should be allies," he said, very straightforward.
"My name's Joshua, but my friends call me Joven," he took his handshake. Wes shrugged.
"So do you want me to call you Joven? Or am I not a friend?"
"You can call me Joven," he stated awkwardly. He sat up more straight and Wes shrugged again and walked away. Joven internally scolded himself for being so awkward, Wes seems very strong and would be a great asset. Joven would need this alliance to help him survive the first few nights.

District 8
Shayne saw The guy from district 11, and he thought either they should be friends, or enemies. For one thing, 11 would be strong and could fend off other dangerous tributes, but then there's only 10 others, so there wouldn't be a need for him after a few nights, he would become a great threat very soon. So Shayne decided against asking 11 for an alliance, and instead decided a safer choice. Shayne thought of district 1, 2, 4, 10 and 12. He nodded, but then, that's just less than half of the overall tributes, then they'd have to kill each other. So Shayne had to decide at least two people to make an alliance with. All five of them seemed great. He figured to just wait until training. He shook his head to himself.
"Are you ok?" The girl from 10 chuckled at Shayne as she walked by.
"I'm fine, just thinking," he told her. She took a few more steps when Shayne figured to just ask her to make an alliance with him.
"Hey," he ran over to her side. "Do you wanna make an alliance?"
"Umm-why not, you seem like you can handle yourself, I'm Courtney," she smiled, she checked him out as she spoke.
"I'm Shayne," he beamed. He went back to his chariot, and to his mentor.
"You want that girl?" He asked incredulously.
"I don't want a big guy like 11, there's only 12 tributes, so he'd kill me early," Shayne whispered.
"Thinking ahead, at show you win," he praised.

District 9
Keith watched two tributes make a quick alliance. Nobody came up to him which got him kind of scared. Would it be better to go alone? Keith didn't know. He went to his mentor who was laughing at something with others.
"I gotta question,"
"Shoot," he asked, waving the group away.
"Do you think I should make truces?"
"Not with 12 people," he shook his head.
"Do you think I could survive by myself?"
"I'm sorry, I had a few drinks, I didn't see you train yet, ask me again later," he turned.
"Wait, but you said not with 12 people,"
"Just wait 'til training day,"
Keith felt hopeless with this mentor. He's probably gonna have to learn everything by himself. Or maybe he can learn with an ally. Thats what he'll do. He'll make an alliance.

District 10
"Do you want to make an alliance?" The guy from district 8 asked Courtney. He looked strong enough in her mind.
"Why not, You look like you can handle yourself," she told him. He nodded. "I'm Courtney,"
"I'm Shayne," he introduced.
"It's just a matter of learning a few skills myself, and being able to fend Shayne off if he gets the wrong idea." She thought.
"You want that girl?" Courtney overheard behind her. Courtney listened to Shayne's reason, and shrugged it off. She'll hold onto him about a day or two and then he's gone. Courtney decided that now. She went back and rolled her eyes to her stylist that went crazy over the fact that she was eating the sugar cubes meant for the horses, and was ruining her 'stupid' costume.

District 11
Wes was planning his team out now, talking to people, so that it's clear he's the leader. He's only letting 3-4 people in with him, and he only wants the best.

Wes' mentor, who in his opinion was a bragging piece of shit, told him to either be as loveable and funny as he could to maximize chances of getting sponsors, but Wes didn't care for what she had to say. He told her that she won a certain way, but he's going his own path, so instead of smiling and trying to be all cutesy, he was smirking and nodding to the crowd which made them crazier than they already are.

District 12
Matt Sohinki's 19 year old mentor who was just 2 years older than him, was passed out somewhere, so Matt has never even met the guy yet, not at the reaping, not on the train ride, or at the living quarters. Sohinki didn't know what to do. His escort was trying to give him tips, and he was being polite about but she didn't know the hunger games like his mentor did. Matt didn't know how to impress the audience so he just stood on the chariot. He watched everyone in front of him, wave, so Matt copied. Then he almost fell off of the chariot, so he stopped and looked bashful. He didn't know this but the crowd loved this.

The chariots came to a halt after being presented to President Smosh. Every tribute watched him. Smosh looked at every worried face. He nodded for them to be taken back. He had nothing to say to them yet.

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