Smosh Hunger Games BTS!

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading, unfortunately, that is the end of the book! Sorry!
But hey, since you're here, let me try to explain a little more about the book here!
So hey, first things first, the chapter titles were a play on some of the different segments that Smosh and their different channel has. Some from Every Smosh channel that isn't from a language dub.
Every Reaping Ever: this is from Every [blank] Ever.
Seriously Super Stupid Costumes: this is from SSSS on Smosh second channel.
Part-Trainers: this is from Part Timers, Smosh's tv show-like series.
Starting time with Smosh: this is from lunch time with Smosh.
HungerCraft: this is from MariCraft, and it's a little poor, but who really cares?
Hunger Game Bang: this is from Game Bang on Smosh Games.
Dead Outs: this is from Cell Outs on Smosh Games.
Enemy Fire: is from Friendly Fire on Smosh Games, just because they're all enemies.
If Death were Real: this is from Smosh's If [Blank] were real.

Next, I feel like k should explain why I chose the last two tributes to survive until the end.
So if you've seen my account, you may know that Courtney Miller is my favourite Smosh member, but I didn't actually mean to make her survive until the end, and I hope you weren't thinking, 'oh, the author likes Courtney the best, she's obviously going to survive' because I did it on accident.
What had happened was, I wrote like the first two chapters before I realized that I need to plan the whole book out before I continue, so in my notes, I wrote down what I want to happen. So since the beginning, I knew I wanted Noah to have a feud with Wes, and for Noah to injure Wes, and for Courtney to help Wes, and that I wanted Courtney to have an alliance with Wes. I also knew that I wanted Mari to die first, for no reason at all, actually. I also planned for Keith to drown by the two. Some other little things were a little accident, like for Anthony to beat Joven, but he wouldn't know it. But it all worked out in the end right? And as I wrote some little notes, I realized I had to plan out how the tributes were going to die, so there was two people I forgot to plan out, Olivia, and Courtney's. So as everyone followed their death, Courtney and Olivia didn't have one planned out. So, they were alive not only because they are my favourite, but because I have terrible planning skills.

Let me explain the end part also.
So like I said, I didn't plan the ending of the book until I wrote it, but as I got closer and closer, I realized that I couldn't just get them to kill each other and make a winner. I can't just decide who I want to make the victor of the hunger games. I just decided, that they're all going to die and meet up altogether in Smosh heaven and play games and make videos there together. Remember Courtney's thinking process in the last chapter, how they'd get along? The pressure of the hunger games made them do this, but if there wasn't any hunger games and they met each other, than they'd be friends.
Also, just to say, Olivia and Courtney didn't ruin the hunger games for any of the tributes, any combination of any of the tributes would've resulted in the same way. Even Noah and Wes, even Olivia and Joven, even Shayne and Courtney. They all would've killed themselves in the end in a harsh explanation.

Btw, I originally planned for Olivia to win, but then I developed the story and Wes was encouraging Courtney and building her up, I just couldn't do that, so lol, I wasn't originally going to make it all sentimental, if you don't like the ending, maybe I'll make a extra chapter here after this one, where *spoiler alert* Olivia wins. Just comment if you hate the ending here-

Once again, thank you for reading and I have some other Smosh books in the works if you want more content to read, but I warn you, they are mainly ships, and Smosh Squad is ridden all over my work!
Ciao! Have a great journey here at Wattpad!

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