Starting Time With Smosh

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District 1: Anthony
District 2: Ian
District 3: Mari
District 4: Noah
District 5: Lasercorn
District 6: Olivia
District 7: Jovenshire
District 8: Shayne
District 9: Keith
District 10: Courtney
District 11: Wes
District 12: Sohinki

District 1
Anthony got into the tube where he'll be going up into the arena for his potential death.
Anthony still didn't know if he felt it in him, to win.
Anthony didn't know what to do.
His mentor taught him basic stuff about survival, but Anthony learned most of it from the training.
He also spoke about sponsors which Anthony didn't really work on gaining, so he has a poor chance of getting their sympathy.
Anthony watched his mentor and his escort as he slowly rose up on the tubes.

District 2
"It's time to go now Ian," Lavenne spoke sympathetically.
"In the last few years I've been a mentor, you were my favourite," Flux grinned at Ian. Ian smiled sadly. He adjusted his jacket and looked to the door of the tube.
"Why - why does the Capitol, why are they allowed to do this?" Ian asked tearing up.
"Ian, you'll be fine," Lavenne replied, also crying a little bit. She pulled Ian in for a hug.
Ian let go and went to hug Flux also.
"I'm glad you guys were my mentor and escorts," Ian wiped his eyes.
"It is time to begin the countdown, tributes please step inside the tube," an intercom spoke.
Ian didn't want to go. He would've done anything to stop these games.
Ian stepped inside slowly.
He turned around immediately, when he heard the door close. He put his hands onto the glass to check it. It was locked.
"Goodbye," he waved. They both waved back. And then Ian couldn't see them.

District 3
Mari didn't make any alliances in the past few days that she was at the Capitol. She was just busy, and no one came up to her either. She also figured it would be very cool to say that she won The Hunger Games by herself.
If she won.
Mari didn't feel like she had a chance against these tributes.
Most of them seemed ok, from where she watched them as she trained.
She kind of hoped she'll get a last minute alliance.
She sighed.
Maybe it would've helped if she listened to her mentor.

District 4
Noah had adrenaline coursing through him as he was in the tube. He just wanted to get out there and start the bloodbath.
Noah was probably overconfident in himself, but it was confidence to say the least.
Noah felt the pedestal he was on start elevating, which made him excited.
And then he saw the arena.
He circled around as he stood on the pedestal and saw everything.
It was a huge forest all around him.
"This is what I've been training for," Noah told himself and grinned.

District 5
Lasercorn felt sick on the day of The Hunger Games. He didn't want to go and kill and starve and everything that comes with the package of The Hunger Games. He felt depressed about it.
He thought to himself that he'll let his team kill everything, he'll just hang back a bit and scout for them instead.
He has to remember to thank his team.

District 6
Olivia felt that she had prepared for this well enough. She didn't know if she could win, but miracles can happen, Olivia needs one to survive.
"I'll see you later," her mentor grinned.
"You'll see me on the tv actually,"
"Ayy, don't be like that," her mentor playfully scolded. Olivia gave him a hug before going inside the tube.
She smiled at him one last time, and he waved.

District 7
Jovenshire didn't want to go into the arena, but he's glad he had a strong alliance. Joven didn't give a sappy goodbye to everyone, just a simple smile and a good luck and good riddance. He didn't know what to expect of anything from this point forward.
Joven stood in the tube, awaiting a fate he couldn't predict. He can only hope.

District 8
Shayne spoke to Courtney the night before everyone was supposed to enter the arena. They were trying to think of a game plan. They spoke right until they got to the end.
"And then we'll win!" Courtney exclaimed, getting excited.
Shayne nodded, but his mood dropped. Courtney saw his face drop, and then she understood. There can't be two of them.
"I-I-we'll..." Courtney started.
"Let's just go to bed now, everything will come together, ok?" Shayne smiled sympathetically. Courtney did the same, and stood up.
"May the odds," Courtney patted Shayne's shoulder as he was still sitting at a table on Courtney's district floor. She sighed before she continued. "Be ever in your favour," she patted again and walked away.
Shayne still didn't know if he'd be able to kill her if it ever came to down to it. He knew he wouldn't be able to give up winning either, not if he was so close, but he'd never let Courtney kill herself for his win.
Shayne hoped he didn't have to make a choice.

District 9
Keith felt pretty confident for the first few days of the games. He had a plan for himself for at least the first few days.
He'd skip the bloodbath, find a hideout immediately, look for food and water, and continue hiding.
But he kept doubting the plan. He will need supplies, so should he skip the bloodbath?
Finding food and water is crucial, and never easy. It could take days, and a hideout immediately could limit his search.
He figured to go with the flow, but then going in without a plan can't be a good idea.
Keith was clueless.

District 10

Courtney didn't feel too pitiful for Shayne. Shayne's poor reason for choosing her to be his ally, because he'd be able to fight her off easier then someone else, didn't persuade Courtney to keep his life if it came down to it.

Speaking of which, Courtney's trained her ass off, so she felt comfortable with her skills enough to stick with Shayne. She wanted to show Shayne that she would in fact, be hard to fend off.

Courtney's mentor kept telling her last minute facts, which pissed her off because her mentor made no attempt to try to help her out during training, and the fact that he was only trying now, made her annoyed.

She awkwardly waved in her tube when the door shut, because she sort of shuffled in as soon as it opened, and hadn't said goodbye to her stylist or mentor. Her mentor sighed and just walked out before Courtney ascended, which she had no problem with.

When she did ascend, she looked for Shayne before taking in what the arena was. They nodded, and got ready for the countdown.

District 11

Wes side hugged his mentor, and thanked his stylist. Surely they were exaggerated, thanking them, but he wanted to get small brownie points so they'd try to persuade people to sponsor him. He went inside the tube, with his back facing them, and adjusted his district jacket. He looked up towards the opening, and realized he was now entering the arena.

Wes had no idea what to expect, so he tried to listen to the ambience as he rose, but the someone started speaking, so he had to give up on that idea and wait to see the actual arena.

District 12

Sohinki gave himself a pep talk as he waited in the tube. It didn't really work because ehe knew he was going to die. He knew he didn't want to win already. He figured he'd be the secondary character that gives up his life in order for the main character to live, but it's a matter of who and if the matter presents itself.

He didn't have time to ponder over a winner or allies, because that's when the pedestal began to rise.

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