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Warning: This chapter has hard language and slight gore.Viewer discretion is advised.


Joey sat on the foot of the strange bed, scared for his life. Four nights entailed the same terrifying sequence. He wakes up at 12 in this bedroom which he's never seen before, he finds the flashlight, then they come. First, it's the bunny and the chicken. Then there's the fox that hides in the closet. He also has to keep watch behind him for the little bears. They terrified him, even more than the plush. It forced him to play with it in between the nights, and that was before the third night. On that night, he saw another one of them, a new one that made his blood run cold.

A haunting laugh sounded off from the hall and he ran to the left door, taking a peek and seeing nothing. He then checked the closet, seeing the fox just standing there. He closed the door for a few seconds before opening it again, a small plush in place of the fox. He sighed in relief and turned to look at the bed, quickly flashing his light at the two little bears who screeched and disappeared. The laughter broke out once again and slow, daunting footsteps drew near. The boy quickly ran to the right door and instantly closed it! The footsteps faded out before he looked to the other door...and for a second, he thought he could see the bear again, but it was black.

The deadly mistake was leaving the door open. It was a pity that nobody could hear the static screech that tore through that room, and the terrifying sounds that followed. As the walls closed in and grew red, the static slowly faded into silence.


Crow POV

I ran as fast as I could as the mob of people chased me around the small town. Okay, you must be wondering what the heck is going on. Well if you must know, I took a small trip to this town for a small vacation, but...things happened and now some people are blaming me. It hurt to see them with malice and hate directed towards me. I don't know why it hurts me so much. I suppose it's because of the first time it happened.

The raw hatred in their eyes...the knives that they used to stab me emotionally and mentally...

If they knew what I went through, maybe...NO! If they found out, chances are they'd still hate me. I kept running around until they managed to corner me in an alleyway. I focused my mind on my feet and jumped, leaping high into the air. This would've been good, had it not for some jerk to throw a rock at my head and make me fall. I thumped to the ground and looked at them all as I panted, and it begins...

"Why did you do that?", the leader of the mob asked.

"It wasn't my fault. I didn't know it was going to happen", I tried to reason.

"YES IT IS!", one of them yelled, "You caused this and now he's hurt because of you!"

"Who the hell are you to tell me what I caused?", I asked,getting pretty mad, "I had no idea that was going to happen to him and I was in no way involved in what caused it!"

I got up and glared at them all before another rock came at me. I caught it and glared at the one who did it. I then walked right to the perp and gave his face a meeting with my fist. As soon as that happened, two of them tried to grab me, but I got out of the way. I glared at the mob as they looked at me like I was an animal.

"Get out of our town, you monster!", one of them said. I froze at that word.



"SHUT THE HELL UP!", I yelled out loud, causing a wind to circulate around me. I was done at this point. I could at least take being blamed for what happened, but to compare me to them was completely unacceptable! I pushed my way through them all, shoving whoever was in my way and ran. As I did, I felt yet another rock hit my back. What the heck is with these idiots and throwing rocks!? I turned around and glared at the culprit, a pretty tall and large guy. He wore a green shirt with some tacky jeans, and his hair was frizzled.

"You're not going anywhere without punishment...", he said as he cracked his knuckles. Was this guy serious? I could kill him in one second, but that's just not what I do. I decided to humor this prick and charge him. I ended up giving him a pretty clean punch to his face, but that gave him the chance to kick me in the back. I fell to the ground, but got right back up and went at him again. This time he actually saw me coming and kneed me in the gut, disorienting me before elbowing me down. I struggled to stand because of the pain. I knew what I could've done, but things were bad enough already.

I really got mad now. I could've ran away and never came back, but no, this guy had to play big bad hero! I growled to myself as my body started glowing, making him back up. Tears filled my eyes as I tried my best to get up, but couldn't. I turned my head shakily and looked at the man. I scowled and raised a hand at him, causing a sword to appear beside me. He frowned and said one word.


There it was, that word again. I hated- no, despised that word being used on me. That word has many connotations to it, but the one that I use is "heartless". Using that word on me meant that I was heartless. Why...why the HELL DOES HE HAVE TO USE THAT DAMNED WORD!

I screamed out loud and balled my hand into a fist, driving the sword through his side. At the same time, I could feel myself starting to drift away. This happens when I go to extreme measures sometimes. I closed my eyes and just let it happen. Wherever I went, I just hope it's better than this shitstain town.

The Flow of Eternity(A FNAF 4 Fanfiction)[REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now