The Darkened Soul

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Warning: This chapter will include violent scenes that may not be suitable for some readers. Viewer discretion is advised.


Crow stared at the creatures that stood before him, his eyes in a firm glare. The animatronics were more confused than scared. Up until Crow came along, nothing could enter their realm other than children. They've never seen anything like this before. The two beings that stood in front of them didn't seem normal. If anything, they were like wild animals.

After a bit, Crow slowly moved forward a bit before stopping and raising a hand. When he did this, two things happened. One, a slim sword appeared in his hand, seemingly out of nowhere. The other thing was a glowing blue shield that surrounded the animatronics, leaving them dumbfounded. The boy looked back at them with a stern expression, his aura becoming cold and calculating.

"Don't move.", he said firmly as he returned his gaze to the creatures in front of him, which were now extending their claws and getting ready to charge at him. Crow smirked and took a stance, his sword held in front of him and glowing slightly. The two then lunged at the boy, claws extended fully and ready to kill. The boy blocked their attacks with his sword and slashed one across the chest, leaving a cut with sparkles leaking out. It growled and lunged again.

From there, it turned into a full-on smackdown! Both creatures kept slashing at the boy, who blocked their attacks and continued to wound them. All the while, the animatronics looked on in amazement. It was like nothing they've ever seen before! The only thing close to that was Nightmare and Fredbear's teleportation ability. This, however, went beyond what they previously saw. Seeing him tie Freddy up was one thing, but to see him actively fight with such made them question who they were dealing with.

At one point, the two actually managed to pin Crow down. One held him back tightly while the other changed its claw into a drill and charged at him, ready to impale. Before it could, chains sprang up and wrapped around its body. The other was forcefully pushed off by a corporeal fist that came from the ground. More chains emerged and wrapped the two together before throwing them high above the animatronics, almost out of their view. Crow raised his sword toward the struggling beings and made a giant transparent blade appear in front.

"See you in hell."

With that, the blade instantly shot from Crow straight at the two. They let out high screeches as they were both sliced in half. Once this happened, their bodies exploded in a flash and all that remained were small sparkles sprinkling down. Crow sighed as the sword disappeared from his hand and he made his way towards the portal. He held a hand up and the portal seemed to shrink into it. It looked as if it were disintegrating and reforming in Crow's hand. Soon after, a glowing gray object appeared as the portal disappeared(photo up top). The boy snapped his fingers and the object disappeared as well.

He looked over to the animatronics as the shield around them slowly dissipated. All of them had the same wide-eyed expressions with their mouths agape. Even the Freddles were standing at Freddy's feet. The only sound being heard were the clicks of their metal eyelids as they blinked. Crow looked at them for a few seconds before speaking.

"Are you broken?", he said in a slightly amused tone. This actually snapped them out of their daze. They were silent for a few seconds, obviously still comprehending what occurred. Crow frankly couldn't blame them. If he were to watch a boy single-handedly destroy two feral beings with what could only be described as supernatural abilities, he'd be pretty shocked as well. The silence dragged on a little longer until Fredbear broke it.

"H-how did you do all that?", he stuttered out flabbergasted.

Crow chuckled slightly, "I told you before I'm not like most humans. Though, to make a really long story short, this amulet gives me these abilities.", he touched the circular amulet around his neck for emphasis.

Bonnie was next to ask a question, "What were those things?"

"To put it simply, rogue creatures out to prey upon anyone in their way."

Nightmare decided to ask a question this time, "So what are you gonna do now?"

The boy closed his eyes for a moment before speaking again, "Obviously I can't just leave you all here for more children to die- whether it's your fault or not. I guess I could stay here since I don't have an actual "home", but I'll need to get some supplies."

"You can find your way out?"

"In a way, yes, though I'm not sure if it'll work...", as Crow said that, he raised a hand to his side and a white portal appeared, illuminating the darkness once again.

"Be right back.", he said as he jumped into the opening, which disappeared in a flash.

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