The Nightmare Ends

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As the darkened bears' bodies continued to glow, the temple started to tremble. Fredbear and Nightmare held onto a wall for support, not capable of handling such force. The ceiling started cracking, making debris fall and crash. While this was happening Crow swooped down and encased the two bears in a shield, instantly speeding down the halls while he looked for the others. As he found the other animatronics, he found that their respective counterparts were glowing the same way the bears were. He had just gotten everyone when the entire hallway started falling apart!

The boy blasted his way through the falling obstacles and made it out the temple. Now that they were out, they could see it in its entirety. It was floating on what looked like a giant rock, the bottom glowing as if it were keeping itself stable. Suddenly, seven columns of light burst from different points of the ancient structure, causing the building to slowly collapse. The eight of them could only watch as the temple finally exploded in a blinding flash. When it cleared, there was nothing but small chunks of rock circling around a larger rock- and something was on it.

"Looks like they're playing their trump card...", Crow said as he observed what was standing on the chunk of earth. The animatronics could see as well, and their eyes widened tremendously. A four-legged creature stood, growling angrily. It had sharp, white claws and what looked like blackened skin. The most terrifying part of it was its head- well, heads. There six of them, each one having the head of one of the animatronics. The only exception was that one head looked like Fredbear's and Nightmare's, so it could count for both of them. A sharpened tail whipped around as twelve white eyes peered to them. It growled again and let loose a very loud roar, shaking the shield.

"So much for this being easy...", Bonnie said.

"I didn't expect it to be.", Fredbear added.

"We can still do this.", Crow interjected, "Now that it's in one place, it'll be easier for us to attack."

"I don't think the weapons we have will work.", Freddy said, "As powerful as they are, they may not do much damage to it."

" how about we mix it up a bit.", the boy said with a smirk as he made a quick snap of his fingers. Instantly the animatronics started glowing, and a light engulfed them all. When it died down, Crow was still there, along with Fredbear. Beside them was what looked like a clone of the creature, but with differences. The obvious one was that it actually had color, as it's main body was silver with a multicolored crest in the center. Its heads had their distinctive colors as well. The newly formed being looked over at Crow with a shocked expression on the Nightmare head.

"What?", he asked rhetorically, "If we're gonna beat this thing, we gotta fight fire with fire- or in this case, animatronic dragon with animatronic dragon."

With that, he levitated himself and Fredbear onto the dragon's back, making it growl in annoyance. The boy ignored it and raised a hand, bringing a sword to it. Fredbear's arm started glowing, to his confusion. In a quick flash, it was replaced by a large cylinder with a smaller cylinder poking out the middle. He looked at Crow, who just smirked as he raised his sword forward.


This was met with rather unfortunately questionable glances from both Fredbear and the dragon.

"Ugh! It's supposed to- I...Screw it, just go!"

Hearing the command, the dragon charged down towards the other, ready to strike! The other dragon had little time to react, as it was instantly pinned down and struggling. The dragons' respective heads started attacking each other, biting and butting against one another for supremacy. Crow and Fredbear held on tight as the constant motion threatened to knock them off their dragon's back. Luckily they were able to hold on, but the dragon was knocked away by the dark one.

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