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Crow found himself snapped awake by the chiming of a grandfather clock. He looked around and saw a digital clock on a shelf to his left.


He saw that there was a flashlight at the foot of the bed, getting up and grabbing it. He also noticed that the room seemed really dark, only broken by the window behind him. Surprisingly, he could see a starry sky with the moon shining through. It gave the room an ominous aura that threatened to consume him. The boy sighed and tried to calm down, starting to grow paranoid by the things happening around him.

He suddenly heard footsteps coming for the left door. He ran to it and pressed his ear to it, hearing heavy breathing behind it. The boy instantly held the door knob to keep out whatever- or whoever was out there. Once he heard the breathing die down, he slowly opened the door and shone his flashlight to see something blue dash out of the hall.

Bonnie?, he thought.

"What is going on here..?", he mused for a second before hearing a familiar screeching. The light was immediately shone on the bed to reveal one of the little bears, shaking as it made its signature sound. As soon as it saw the light, it darted off to wherever. Crow sighed again but instantly turned back when he heard quick footsteps enter the room. He looked back in time to see the closet doors swing briefly.

Slowly, he made his way over, wondering what was in there. This entire place was getting more mysterious by the second! His heart pounded as he got closer to the storage space. He opened it to reveal Foxy, his mouth open as he lunged at the boy. The door immediately shut and was held there for a few seconds. When the boy dared to look inside, he was suprised to find a small plush fox with an eyepatch. He promptly grabbed it and threw it into the right hallway.

"No freaking way I'm taking chances with that...", he muttered, unknowing of the shadow that was watching at this point. It was only when he heard a sound behind him that he shined the light at the bed- only to be greeted by a roaring robot bear lunging at him!

Crow's reflexes kicked in as he dodged the attack, grabbing the bear by the leg and slamming him down in front of the bed. Now he was starting to get mad, asboth doors and the closet instantly shut and were encased in a blue glow. The boy stood up and looked around before focusing on the bear, who was now tied up by glowing chains and propped up against the foot of the bed.

No more playing around, he thought as he glared at the robot before him, who now wore a look of shock.

"H-how did you do all that?", Freddy asked in astonishment.

Crow scowled and stepped closer, grabbing him by the chains and bringing their faces close.

"I'll the be the one to ask the questions.", the boy said lowly, "Furthermore, you have some explaining to do. Why are you and your friends suddenly trying to kill me? And don't try to patronize me because I am not happy right now. So if you don't want to end up as a piece of scrap metal, I suggest you shut your demonic trap and answer my questions!"

Freddy visibly flinched as the boy finished speaking. When he first saw him he seemed completely harmless, the perfect target for him to kill. However, now he was completely different from before. He looked so powerful and strong, but he was just a teenager! How could a boy like this be so cruel and intimidating? The ongoing silence was broken by one of the doors being banged on.

"Freddy?", Bonnie asked from the other side, "Why is the door not opening? Did you kill him?"

Freddy was about to say something when Crow started talking.

The Flow of Eternity(A FNAF 4 Fanfiction)[REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now