Crossing Into The Nightmare

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When I was sure that I drifted somewhere else, I opened my eyes. I slowly got up and looked around, that fight really did a number on me since my body throbbed a bit. It was really dark and foggy, so I couldn't see much. The ground was purple but had the texture of dirt. I sighed and stumbled around a little, looking to see if there was something around here.

It only lasted a few seconds before I heard tiny screeching noises and soon felt something at my feet. I looked down to see three tiny bears, which looked torn and had sharp teeth, scrambling at my legs. I had no idea whether to take them seriously or to laugh at how cute they looked...sorta. I eventually grew a bit annoyed by their clinging and levitated them a few steps away.

They all seemed to be shocked at this, not that I could blame them. I mean, if someone were to suddenly levitate me away from them I'd be pretty shocked too! The bears just stayed silent and stared at me with their glowing white eyes. Now that I got a clearer look at them, they kind of looked like robots. They also had what looked like claws and tiny pupils. This got my curiosity brewing, so I decided to walk closer to them, going slow so as not to startle them. They didn't move and soon I was right in front of them again.

Okay, now I can see that they really are robots! Looking at their claws, they look like tiny drills and their eyes look more like lights. Even their teeth look metal! I reached a hand to touch one of them, but pulled back when I heard heavy footsteps behind them.

I took a few steps back as the sounds drew closer. Just hearing the steps gave me a bad impression of whoever was coming. Then again, this entire place seemed to have a bad mood, as if everything within it were unnatural and fabricated. My thoughts were broken by the owner of the steps coming into view, and I actually felt a little scared. Standing behind the little bears was a taller bear with a few holes in it. The little bears jumped into the holes, leaving me a little stunned. The big bear seemed to be wearing a black bowtie and a tattered tophat. It also had the same drill claws as the little ones- though those actually looked threatening. It only took a few seconds for its red eyes to notice me and narrow slightly.

"How did you get here?", it asked in a deep voice that held a threatening tone. I just kept my face blank, trying not to show my nervousness.

"I don't really know myself. All I do know is that I got into some...trouble not too long ago and I ended up here. I walked for a little while until those little bears saw me."

The bear seemed to narrow his eyes a bit more, tilting his head slightly as he analyzed me. I just kept my composure and blank face while looking around some more. Still nothing but darkness and purple dirt...real nice. I decided to take a closer look at the bear, seeing as there wasn't anything else visually appealing. He had a few smaller holes along his body, but the bigger ones were along his torso. These were the ones the little bears jumped into, their beedy little eyes staring at me from the darkness in the cavities. Strange, but not enough to make me do anything stupid. I broke myself out just in time for the bear to speak again, this time his tone was a bit more friendly.

"If you want, I can bring you to where my friends and I live. Then we could try and find you a way out of here."

I nodded and he started leading me through the errie darkness. After a while I realized I never got his name...

"My name's Crow, by the way. What's yours?", I asked.

"My name's Freddy."


N.Freddy POV

I was still confused about how this boy ended up in this place. Usually when a child ends up here, they wake up in the bedroom. However, this "Crow" as he calls himself, actually appeared in the darkness. Furthermore, he seemed to be completely calm when he saw me. The Freddles seemed to be slightly scared of him for some reason, but I didn't pay much attention. Instead, I took a closer look at him since he was just looking around aimlessly.

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