2. The Meet

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Caterina Roberts

Ring...Ring...Ring. I had just finished ordering my coffee when my phone started ringing. Groaning I pull my cell phone out of my pocket and looking at the caller ID I picked it up.

"Hey Eva," I said.

"Hey Reena. Sorry but, she woke up and is crying," she said.

"Reena," another voice called my name and I looked around "your coffee," Samantha said with a smile and placed it on the counter.

"Thanks" I whisper grabbing the coffee with my left hand as I walk out the coffee shop. Still on my phone I ask "did you give her pacifier?"

"Yes, but she is still crying."

"Okay. Can you get her out of her crib and carry her? Oh and would you please sing her a song as well?" I asked.

She laughed "yes, I can do that. Get here fast though." As she was saying that I bump into something very hard "shot" I say. That's when I heard a deep voice say 'shit' at the same time. Cringing at his use of the word I don't look up to see who it is.

"Hey, listen I gotta go I'll see you in a minute," with that I hung up my phone. Like today's day couldn't get any worse I think to myself. It is going to be fine Caterina, just be positive, I told myself. Taking a deep breath I start wiping his suit jacket without looking at him. I know wiping it away isn't going to help much but I do it anyway.

"Sir, I'm so sorry" I start apologizing still not looking at the man "so so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," I started crying.

Okay, I never do that, no scratch that. I do cry but, never in front strangers. I do happen to have a very good explanation for doing this at this very moment. Snow hasn't been feeling well lately, which led me to have zero hours of sleep last night. I have been on my feet all night long carrying her and making sure she sleeps that I haven't gotten any sleep in almost thirty hours, I'm very tired and hungry. And when my lifesaver, Eva, came over to my apartment from her work to help, I put my little Snow in her crib because she had finally fallen asleep and Eva said she would look after her while I got a cup of much needed caffeine which led me to this mess that I am right now.

"I didn't mean to spill my coffee all over you. I'm in a hurry but if you are not, my apartment is right around the corner I could wash it for or if you are in a hurry you could give me your address and I could wash your suit jacket and send back to you" I know I'm rambling but you know, what else can I do? It's been over a minute and he hasn't said anything. I was still looking down wiping his suit like that was helping anything and especially since I was crying I didn't want to look at the guy but, from the corner of my eye I could see three other guys looking at me but I didn't really see their faces but I'm assuming they are the friends of guy that I currently have held up with the coffee disaster since they aren't going anywhere.

Dear God, please help me, I pray. After about fifteen more seconds of wiping his jacket which I assure you looks like it costs a year's worth of money I make and I'm making it worse but, then my hand freezes right as I'm about to wipe that suit of his again I hear his deep voice say "spend a night with me."

It takes me a second to process what he just said. I am baffled that he even had the audacity to say that to me. I look up at him for the first time and I see a smirk on his face and there went my patience. I am not a violent person to be honest but, this guy just brought out the worst in me and I slapped him, hard. My hand hurt like hell, I bet it hurt me more than it hurt him, but I didn't let that show. What this man said to me just proved to me why I hate men.

"You dog" I said with as much hatred as I could muster in those two words and ran wiping my tears away. I was out of breath and was sobbing by the time I got in my building elevator and thankfully no one was in it, in other words I was left all alone to my own devices which basically meant to cry my eyes out and let the frustration out. Closing my eyes I remembered why I had come to New York City in the first place two years ago. I was a lost looking seventeen year old teenager with a two weeks old baby in hand running away from her past.

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