Haru Hana

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Seventeen's comments on their members in an interview on Haru Hana Magazine.

Members' comment on S.Coups:

Jeonghan & DK: Someone to lean on during hard times.
Hoshi & Dino: Like a father.
Seungkwan: A dependable hyung.
Joshua: A friend i can trust. **supports me
Woozi: We're like real brothers.
Jun: A manly hyung.
Mingyu: Seventeen's shield.
Vernon: A leader we can count on.

Members' comment on Jeonghan:

The8: He makes me feel move occasionally.
Vernon: Makes me feel comfortable when we're together.
Wonwoo: Very sincere and observant.
Hoshi & Jun: Like a warm mother.
Woozi: Has aegyo.
DK: A warm hyung who listens well.
S.Coups: Nice or easy to talk to.
Joshua: We play with each other and relieve stress through talking.
Seungkwan: Like a friend and let my annoying self slide.

Members' comment on Joshua:

Mingyu: Our personalities matches.
Wonwoo: I envy him for being able to speak English well.
DK: Like a friend i can joke around with.
Hoshi: A fun and friend-like hyung.
Dino: Looks like a cartoon (or a manga character?) even on a daily basis.
The8: Has a great personality and fun.
Seungkwan: A hyung that i want to lean on and hug.
Vernon: The only reason i can speak English too.
Woozi: Gentle and cool.
Jun: We can study Korean together.
S.Coups: Very kind and makes us laugh when he jokes around...
Jeonghan: We help each other out.

Members' comment on Jun:

Vernon: Talks with me a lot.
Jeonghan: Always fulfills my requests/favours.
Seungkwan: A pure hyungs who likes to joke/play around.
DK: A dongsaeng-like hyung.
Woozi: He looks a little foolish that makes it his charm.
The8: We have a very good friendship.
Dino: I want to have a meal with him. The Chinese restaurant he brought us to has really delicious food.
Hoshi: Takes the role of a silently-confident person. Someone you can trust in.
Wonwoo: His laughter point is strange. We have the same height.
Mingyu: We're slowly becoming a like...?
S.Coups: A really handsome man.
Joshua: A dongsaeng i can play with. Chinese teacher.

Members' comment on Hoshi:

Mingyu: A babo-like hyung who's filled with passion.
Vernon: Dance resource.
Seungkwan: Reliable and cool.
Wonwoo: The person who i spend the most time with. Laughs along with me at what i say.
DK: Has sense of responsibility of his work. Able to lead.
Jeonghan: Best choreographer.
S.Coups: Someone i can trust.
Joshua: Child-like dongsaeng.
Woozi: Someone working hard and dependable.
Dino: Like a real hyung. We have much in common.
The8: Always passionate and have a lot to learn from.
Jun: Channels (a lot of energy) when working.

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