Your Best Friend a.k.a The Girl You Never Noticed

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Hey you,

Yes you, My Friend

I just wanna say that Thank you,

Thank you cause you're always there when I need you.

Thank you cause you never left my side when I'm sad.

Thank you cause you never judged me with the things I do.

But now I guess You'll stop doing this things to me.

And I know it's my fault.

I know that I was the one who ruined this friendship.

But I just wanna say that,

I love you.

I might've not directly say this, I actually didn't say it at all.

But I do,

I do love you.

I know you love someone else.

I know you don't have feelings for me.

I know to you I'm just a friend.

I'm just a pain in the neck.

I'm just a stubborn kid.

I'm just a sister you never had.

But to me, you're someone special.

You're my world.

You're my saviour.

But now I realized that not everything will last forever.

Some things just have to end.

Someone just have to let go.

And somehow in our case, I was the one who let go.

Not because I don't want to be your friend anymore,

It's just that, I wanted more.

Seeing you with her,

Happy and sweet.

It breaks my heart seeing you cry over her, die inside because of her.

I was the one who comforted you everytime something like that happens.

But did you ever wonder why I was crying, and how you comforted me makes me stop?

Did you ever wonder why I was hurt?

No?, of course not, because even though you're beside me, I know you're thinking about her.

Lets stop the backstory here, and lets talk about our fight.

We fought about how I was 'selfish' to stop you from going to your date.

About how I was so immature to cry afterwards.

About how I was the one who always held you back.

But you're the one who made me make that decision.

You're the one who gave me the strength to be somehow selfish.

You're the one who made me do all those stupid things even if I don't want to.

Because I Love You.

I love that you're so stupid to notice my feelings.

I love that you're so nice to others.

I love that you put me first before her.

I love that you're my friend even with all the rumors about me liking you -which is true.

But I Love that you're always there when I need you.

Sorry for everything.

Thank you for being patient with me.

I'll love you forever.

Goodbye now.

-Your BestFriend a.k.a. The Girl You Never Noticed

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