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Eyes are the windows to the soul,

You have to look at them to know,

If your feelings are yes or no,

Sometimes we regret to look,

Cause we'll never forget,

That decision that made us regret,

Looking into those beautiful web.

We can't turn back time,

All we can do is tose a dime,

Maybe our luck will find,

A way to climb,

On top of that mountain high.

Eyes remembers what they saw,

And sometimes regret it,

Cause we know,

Sometimes you don't see it,

Is better than we thought.

But sometimes we regret,

What Eyes doesn't see,

we wish to turn back the time,

But were not Gods,

So we just let our self cry.

Let's remember that,

There's always a reason,

Why we don't control our fate,

But we can control ourselves,

So we shouldn't regret,

Of what we saw,

It might be heartbreaking,

But there's always a reason,

We musn't be sad,

Of what we didn't see,

Cause sometimes it's better,

To not see things.

But we all must take care,

Of what makes us see,

Cause one day,

We won't be able to see,


Always remember....

Eyes are the windows to the soul.

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