Letter to Bling Bling Kim Jonghyun

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Dear Jonghyun-ah,

I'm sorry
I still really
Can't accept that you left us early,

I guess I should just move on
Because the pain is almost a week long
But I still regret it
The fact that I couldn't even be there to begin with,

I wasnt there when you needed a friend
I guess i wouldnt call myself your friend
Since you dont even know my existence
But rest assure that I'll do my promise to love you till the end,

I guess I shouldnt have made that promise
Cuz the end came so near and so fast
But I guess my love for you has no end
And that I'll always be your unknown friend,

Thank you for everything
And if you feel that you are nothing
To us your always something
Not just a thing but an important thing,

But you are not a thing
You're a king
And as we hear you sing
Our hearts are full of gleam
And still you are our one and only
Bling bling,

It is true that I miss you
And it is true that it hurts when I think of you
But i must not follow you
For I know you dont want that too,

And now I must say goodbye
And I truly regret not seeing you in real life
But still you made a sad heart, smile
I'm sorry i couldnt do the same when you were alive,

I just hope you're happy there
And i must end this despair
Of not having you here
But please when the time comes
And I get to see you there
I wish that your smile
Isnt fake, but a genuine happy grin,

So now this is a goodbye
But don't fret as I didnt lie
When I said I'll love you
Until the day I die
And the day I'll cross that light
I wish you would welcome me with open arms,

I'll rest my tired heart
And would look at the bright life
Rather than the other side
Wish me luck in life
Now that I won't see your smile
That gets me through the night
Until we meet again in the afterlife

You did well, Kim Jonghyun
-from the fangirl who loves you all her life.


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