The Girl Who Let You Go

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Dear the Person I Broke their Heart,

Breaking Hearts wasn't my forte,
But you have to look forward to it,
Now that I'm not afraid anymore,
I will tell you honestly,
I don't love you no more,

I know now that all that I felt were just a fling,
Maybe I could sing,
About what may happen after this,

I know you wouldn't believe me if I tell you personally,
Because of my joking personality,
So I wrote my feelings in a poem,
So maybe you'll believe me,

I'm not good at doing poems,
But I'll put all what I feel in this words and sentences,

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings,
But all we had was a mistake,
It may look real but it's just fake,

I meant that what we had were real but our feelings ain't,
I thought I found love with you,
But I guess that was a mistake,

I thought I'll love you till the end,
But I guess I never even love you a little bit,
I thought you were my world,
But now I know you're just a piece of it,

I don't want to hurt you no longer,
By getting farther away more,
I guess you could say I now let us go,

But the truth is I never even held on,
Maybe the only reason I say all this now,
Because making you cry was,
Was the last thing I would do,

But I guess I broke that promise,
And all of our other promises,
But atleast now I could say,
You're free to walk away,

Actually you shouldn't have stayed,
When you start to feel that we're already drifting away,

I guess now this is my best masterpiece,
The worst things I said,
The first poem I ever did,
And the last thing I'll give,

From the Bottom of my heart to you,
I know that You'll be happy,
Without the things we had,
I know you'll find somebody,
Who'll love you until the end,

Now it's almost the End,
Of this stupid poem,
Sorry for all the words,
In this poem that I blurt,

All I can now say is sorry,
For all the things I've done and said,

I'm really sorry for the time and effort you gave,
Especially those feelings you held,
I know it's too late to say all this now,

But I just want you to know,
That I thought I loved you so,
But please don't blame yourself,
And think that you did not do everything well,

Please keep in mind that this is how I feel,
Everything I said in here,
Was because of my fear,
Of loosing the only person who have loved me,

Honestly you were the best,
But all of the things you did,
Were really not for me,

I know I've said so many sorrys in here,
But I'll keep saying them while you're here,

I've wasted so much of you,
That I wasn't supposed to,
So I'm sorry for making your Hopes high,

That I made you think that I'll be with you until we die,
Sorry for breaking your heart right now,
I know that you'll hate me right after now,

I wish you all the best,
With you new interest,
I hope she'll never do the same,
As what I did this day,

I hope you'll be happy till the end,
With her in every edge,
But remember I'll still be here,
When you need a friend,

So this is where I say goodbye,
Usually my letters will end with,
"I love you, till the end",

But now I know this will end with,
"Goodbye my friend, I'll see you, when we're ready to meet again"

The Girl who Let You Go

Hahaha!! This literally took so long to write, sorry for the bad spelling and bad grammars 😂😂, I actually did this twice 😂😂, so please suggest stuff or just comment your reaction, Goobye now

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