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A heart that hums like a song
A voice that keeps ringing in my ear like a drum
A smell that keeps lingering around me
Suddenly, knowing he's near me

How stupid it is to fall
Deeply into this hole
Full of questions of where should I go
If I ever got out of this hole

Should I go far from you?
Should I come back to you?
Should I wait for you?
or Should I just forget you?

I honestly don't know what to do
I don't know what my mind wants me to do
Cuz all I hear is my heart begging me not to break it into two
I want to stay but I don't want to break my heart again

You got me weak in my knees
Not making me understand what's bad for me
Cuz in my heart
You will always be the best

Your smile
Your laugh
Your eyes
Your hair

All of that
All of it
Makes my heart feel so weak
So fragile

In the slightest touch
You have held my heart in your hands
Hoping you won't drop it
Knowing you might drop it

I dreamt that one day
I get to hold your heart
Giving it care
Reassuring it that its being loved back


Before I could even find the courage
The courage to fight for your heart
The courage to work for your heart
The courage to prove to your heart that I am worthy

You have already dropped mine
And at that moment
I failed my heart again
I didn't learned my lesson



I couldn't bring myself to not fall
Fall for your slightest touch
Fall for your small smile
Fall for our small talks

Then I Ended Up Falling All Over Again

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