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He just makes me comfortable
I can tell him everything
and nothing

He could just say "hi"
and I'll be happy the whole day
with a mood brighter than sun rays

He could make fun of me
and I wouldn't be afraid
I would've made fun of him afterwards

I didn't know what was wrong
why it feels perfect
but also incomplete

Something's not right
it couldn't have been him
maybe it's me or the feelings that are hidden

I didn't know
I knew

I just hid it from myself
I didn't plan to hide it from him

I didn't get a chance
I had many chances to tell him

But I couldn't
I didn't
And I feared it

I'm a coward
I'm a fraud
I'm a pretender

I didn't want to hurt him
I didn't want to lose him

It was selfish
and sickening
and tiring

The feelings
I didn't want it
But I wanted him


Just Him

Nobody else but him

But I'm already too late

Somebody already got him



Everything ended.

I hope we meet again.



So this is one of the poems that is saved in my notes.

I hope you guys like it 😘

Heart FeelsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat