Chapter one -The break

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I heard Love is electrifying, ecstatic and overwhelmining....
I never doubted all these, I only prayed for the time I would feel this way.
For a while I thought I felt it, I thought it was love, up until it tore my heart out of my chest and shredded it to pieces. Now, all I wanted to do was run away.

I couldn't go back home for the summer holiday, the reason? I knew it would be a disaster! A heart wrecking, nerve cutting, Joy killing long break.
I would be dead bored! With no friend to hang with during the weekends. Okay, maybe a few, but I didn't feel comfortable with any of them anymore.
Maybe because I felt their eyes will hold sympathy for my broken heart or was it just me feeling that way?

The fact that the love of my life started dating my best friend behind my back, was torture enough. I didn't want to spend my summer break going for outings were they will likely be out, hand in hand... in love; honey coated, happy love. Gosh! They might not be there but my other friends will give me that look that said "sorry about the unfortunate breakup."

Although, I would be working, doing my industrial attachement before my final year In the university, I desperately needed the change of environment. I needed an escape, something to occupy my mind till I had healed and not sulking over my heart break. I needed my career, I needed to be successful. I needed that security were I wouldn't have to depend on any man for anything so that they would not be able to hurt me ever again.

"Please big brother, you've got to help me." I pleaded only just last month to my elder brother working in Lagos to help me secure a good place for me to work.

"I will try." He finally said, making sure he didn't make promises he couldn't keep.

Well, this faithful morning, I was wearing a black silk blouse, embroided with a sliver neck, on a fitted black pants, a black Steve maden low heel shoe and a navy blue Micheal Kos bag.
I settled for black on black and navy blue bag because I felt it was safe.
We cannot afford a fashion disaster on the first day of work can we?
Not after I was given shopping money to change my wardrobe by the company. Yes! It was my own little fairytale, walking into polo luxury for an internship interview and not only getting the appointment but shopping money. I was bursting with joy when I left the building the previous Friday, ignoring the fact that the woman eyed my carefully picked out outfit with disdane before she handed me the cash and said "trust me, you need it." I felt insulted but who cares? I was working here for the next five months and a new wardrobe.

I looked at my sliver chain wrist watch, 7:58am and rummaged through my bag for my security clearance card. I couldn't risk getting late today. First impression matters alot.
I swiped my card quickly and checked in 7:59am "thank God." I said aloud, not noticing the security man standing a few steps away.
He looked at me and just gave a light, friendly smile. I smiled back before dashing to the elevator.
On getting to the third floor, I found my supervisor walking around the work area and i quickly found my steps behind her, realising it was not really nice that she arrived before me. Worse, looked for me.

"Morning ma!" I greeted. "Sorry I had to get a..."

"You will be working hand in hand with Miss Micheal." She caught me off. "I will be supervising. If you have any question which you shouldn't have by the way, your resumè indicates you are a first class student. So I expect to see your intelligence in your work. But just in case you have any question..." she paused and looked at me for the first time since I walked into the office. "Ask Miss Michael or ask me if it is a very important question. Okay?"

"Yes! Yes ma!" I added when she tipped her head to the side. She nodded, taking a full look at me before walking off boldly and authoritatively in her Christian louboutin black heels. But before she walked away, I caught the half smile that formed at the corner of her lips
Which I took as a compliment for my dressing.

I backed off two steps before turning around towards Miss Michael's cubicle, dropping my bag at the cubicle that had my name at the desk.

Miss Micheal whose first name was Jane, was beautiful, elegant, slim and fair. Probably twenty four or twenty five in age. She packed her hair in a poised way that showed off her high cheek bone and long neck.

"You are late." She said without looking at me.

"I... I.." I tried to explain before she cut me off.

"Save it! You will sort through all this files and update each employee's information to an online database. The website , password and verification code is right there." She said pointing at a small sheet of paper that was on top the bundle of files.

I simply nodded, collected the files and headed to my cubicle.
Once I had taken my sit, I observed the inside of my space. A wide desk, a computer, a small carbinet at the corner and a small table which held a tea cup and a saucer.

I couldn't help but think about Jane's attitude. Yes she was a permanent staff and yes she was beautiful but that didn't give her a right to be rude. She wasn't more than twenty five years and I was twenty two, coupled with the fact that we were partners working 'side by side' as Mrs Ayobami, the supervisor had said earlier, She had no right!

"Gosh!" I huffed and started sorting out the staff files alphabetically before i remembered i had not prayed. I closed the file i opened and shut my eyes briefly.

Thank you Father for giving me this beautiful opportunity and because you have given me, I know you have equally given me the grace. So I cannot fail. Please favour me Lord, today, tomorrow and....

"Isn't it too early to be sleeping Miss Meka" I heard a familiar voice say in a breeze.
I forced my eyes open and saw Mrs Ayobami swaying away proudly. I opened my mouth to explain but saw the irrelevance.

...give me the grace to survive Lord
I whispered, concluding my prayer.

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