Chapter 20 Christmas

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Christmas came and with it came heavy snow, large dinners and Joy in the Orakwe's house.
I sat down at the head of the table and looked at Kim who was sitting just beside me, looking really beautiful. Audrey and Andretta sat together on the other side of the table, wearing an identical outfit they insisted on buying. We had a few friends over for dinner and the house was aglow with laughter.

"This Turkey is amazing!" Stella, Kim's friend said between mouthfuls. "Who made it?"

"I did." I said, looking up at Stella briefly, before I cut into a piece on my plate.

"You must be joking! There is no way you can pull this off."

I frowned "Common! Cut me some slack! I am not all business. I can be domestic."

"Very domestic." Kim chipped in with a mischievous smile that got every one laughing.

"You go girl!" Christine, a mutual friend of Kim and I raised a glass.

"Not only are you both back together but a baby might be on the way soon." Ryan, a childhood friend of mine said.

"Not so fast! Let's not get ahead of ourselves." I defended before taking a sip of my Champagne.

Kim placed a hand over mine in calm but possesive way "Soon! Once we pick a wedding date, everything will fall into place."

What the hell? I picked up my flute again and took a gulp of my drink so that I would not say the first thing that came to my mind. Are you crazy?

I lowered the flute slowly. "Kim..."

"Mr Orakwe would be so excited about it! Don't you think Honey?" She beamed up at me.

"Awwww!" Stella cooed and Phil who had been quiet snorted.

"How come I haven't heard of this proposal." He said, as he stuffed a spoon of salad in his mouth.

"Maybe it is because I haven't heard of it myself." I glared at Kim but she ignored me.

"Come on sweety, we have talked about settling down for years now."

Audrey and Andretta, who had been busy with their own little gossip decided to contribute.

"Could we be bridesmaids?" Andretta asked first.

"Ow! Could we wear pink gowns?" Audrey added.

"Pink?" Andretta gasped. "Black would be more sexy."

Stella began gushing with Kim about venues and bridal shops while Christine added suggestions.

"No one is getting married." I said firmly.

"Yet!" Stella added quickly before she turned back to Kim and Christine. "Ow! I know the perfect wedding planner."

Phil raised his glass up to me "Good luck man."

My appetite had disappeared the minute the conversation stirred this direction. I closed my eyes and took a calming breath.
"Kim..." I was about to give her a piece of my mind when my phone started ringing. I welcomed the distraction and quickly picked the call.

"Nonso speaking."

"Nonso! It is Mrs Ayobami."

"Hey!" I got up "excuse me, I have to take this."

Kim raised her eyebrow at me in question, but before she could give me interrogative looks, I left the table.

"How is Nigeria?" I asked, turning into the sitting room.

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