Chapter 15 Broken!

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"Hey dad!"

"How are you son? You look better than the last time I saw you." I looked down at my self, suited in a royal blue suit and black dress shirt and looked back at my dad through the Skype call. He had insisted on having a video call today because he had something very important to tell me and since I was working late again, I figured It was the best time to talk to my dad uninterruptedly.

"I can say the same about you. You look well dad."

"Yes of course business is growing and we are toping the chats."

I adjusted in my seat. "Dad, success in business is not synonymous to good health."

"Who told you that son? It's foolish talk. Money makes the world go round."

"You mean love makes the world go round." I countered.

"You always had your mother's heart and I have tried to make you stronger. I have tried to..."

"Mum was the strongest woman I have ever known and I am sure this is not why you insisted on a video call dad."

"No it is not!" He paused and looked at me for a few seconds, but long enough to make me uncomfortable.

"I called to tell you that I am proud of what you have done in Nigeria son. You have succeeded in managing the business so well, we have made so much profit and have acquired many alliances."

I relaxed in my swerving chair and rested my chin on my fisted hand. He had something on his mind and I needed to know what it was. Dad was not one to dish compliments because it was a good day.

"I will be coming down to Nigeria in 2 days Son. I will like to familiarize myself with the business structure you have going there before..."

I sat up this was it! "Before what?"

"Before you head back to the United States."


"You have shown yourself capable Enough to run the head quaters so..."

"I have been capable Enough for years dad! Or have you forgotten I was working there before you thought it wise for me to come down to Nigeria? I saw all the business deals, took all those trips, worked late into the night for this company! I have been ready for a long time now, so what is the real reason? You can't just uproot my life whenever you feel it is right by you."

"I know you have worked hard on the company and that is why I know you will do great when I retire next year."

"You are retiring next year?" I inquired.

"Yes son."

"It's about time." I muttered under my breath but loud enough to know he heard me.

"Listen son..."

"No you listen Dad! You cannot just... " I shut my eyes to control my breathing. I hated this

"You didn't want to come to Nigeria in the first place. You said it was no good. You like the head quarters son and there is Kimberly."

"Kimberly broke up with me dad. Where have you been ?"

"You sure? Because she has been coming around."


My dad watched me curiously "Of course, and I think she is a lovely lady, educated, from a wealthy home and she pays so much attention to your sisters."

She never liked my sisters. She thought I shielded them too much, Loved them more than I loved her. Like hell yes I did!!

"She takes them out for shopping, ice cream and just last week she took them to lala land." I felt my heart squeez at the mention of my sisters with kimberly.

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