Chapter 13- Fired!

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The sun was high up by the time I woke up in Nonso's arms. His broad arms wrapped me warmly and even while he slept, he encased me possessively. I studied him carefully, observing the way he slept, how full his eyebrows were and how long his lashes were. If only my lashes were that long

Using my fingers, I traced his features before letting them rest on his chest, atleast the part that showed through the few loose buttons. It was funny how we talked so late in the night that we slept in our dinner outfits.

Sighing, I wondered how lucky I was to have met him. He was everything I dreamt and more. How did I ever think Austin was the best for me? How did I ever let him kiss me again just two day ago when I have such a wonderful man beside me. I looked up at the peaceful sleeping man beside me and I placed a kiss on this bare chest before laying my on his chest.

He groaned "I can really get use to that."

"Use to what?" I asked with a smile.

"Don't tease me!"

"I don't know what you are talking of."


"Well.. was it this?" I said, placing a kiss on his chest again.


"Or this..." I moved up and kissed his jaw.

"Not bad"

"Or this..." moving up again, kissing him fully on his lips and he reciprocated.

"Urrrrghh..." he groaned breaking the kiss. "What happened to staying away from compromising positions.

"Ow!" I smiled sheepishly and tried to get off.

"Not so fast." He stopped me from getting off the bed and I looked up expectantly.

"I love you." He said simply and gave me a quick kiss. "Our flight is in 3 hours so try not to sleep in the shower.

I smacked his arm lightly "don't be annoying."

I walked toward the bathroom and closed the door before stripping down and stepping into the shower. No matter how lovely the weekend was, I was looking forward to my return to Lagos and work.


As we approached my brothers apartment I wondered if he had cut his trip short and decided to return early. If he had then I was finished. I waited till Nonso found a parking space and turned off the ignition.

"I hope you had a nice time, I know I did. Thank you for coming with me." He said and took my hand in his, placing a kiss on my knuckles.

"Don't thank me Nonso. It was a wonderful weekend for me too. I wish it never ended." I laughed softly.

"Marry Me and it will never end."

"Yeah yeah." I removed my hands from his and reached out for my hand bag.

"I would have Come In to see your brother but I have alot to do before work tomorrow sweet heart. I hope you don't mind?"

"What? No! It's fine."



"I will see you at work tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah..." I answered pensively. Oh Gosh! Jane and the rest of the department. It was easier to forget about it all this last week and all weekend with Nonso.

"If you are worried about the company don't worry. Everything is fine and Mrs Ayobami has handled the situation. You have nothing to worry about."

I reached out and intertwined ourfingers "how did I get so lucky with you?"

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