Figuring Him Out

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"You don't talk much, do you?"

Simon and I were on our way back to our rooms, full and slightly more awkward. He had been chatting softly to me, but I had nothing to say. For some reason, I did feel bad though.

"No." I said figuring that was the simple answer, praying he wouldn't ask why. I walked into my room, glad to see my phone fully charged. I turned around and he was still in the doorway.

"Why?" He asked, crossing his arms. I had the feeling I couldn't leave if I wanted to, which was something normal. I stared at him for a while, and he stared back. I would have to answer sooner rather than later.

"I don't see any point in telling you." I said, shrugging. His eyes narrowed, watching me shove my phone in my pocket and take my coat off.

"You are staying for a while, aren't you?" He asked me again. Ah, Simon. He seems to slowly be catching on.

"If that helps you sleep at night." If I'm going to avoid saying the exact words, might as well have the same meaning.

"So, you're leaving." He said, stating the obvious.

"You know, this is the most I've ever spoken to someone at one time. When I'm gone, remember that." I said, walking towards him. He had a small frown on his face.

"If you're lucky, you'll see me going." I put my hands on his chest and gently pushed him out of the room. I shut the door softly.

I hadn't realized my heart had been beating so fast, whether it was from nervousness or something else. I didn't hear him walk away for a while, and as soon as he did I wanted to apologize. For speaking so much? For being honest? For being rude? I'm not sure.

I was surprised I even had that much to say. I rarely talk and this is what comes out if me when I do? How could someone even want me to stay knowing I spoke to them like that?

With a sigh, I took my phone out of my pocket and looked through my last messages. My sister had texted me this morning, asking where I was. I was tempted to reply, but she wouldn't understand. She came over once in a while, to check up on her baby sister. She never understood why I was so quiet, why I rarely smiled. Of course, she was about 17 years older than me. She didn't grow up the way I did. Having a second child wasn't something my parents wanted. The town didn't seem to want me either.

I leaned against the door, my thoughts a mess. I'm not usually a runner, I face my problems head on. But, something here makes me feel like leaving is a good idea. I'm not sure if it is, though. My thoughts are twisting and turning, bending around each other. They were trying to cut the other off. I couldn't tell which was winning.

"Hey, Lindzay." I heard a voice from outside, it was female. I slowly cracked open the door to see a girl who was 200x prettier than me. She had long, dark hair and the make-up on her face made her eyes pop.

"Hi." I said, hoping my staring wasn't creepy.

"I'm Kayleigh, Vik's girlfriend." She said, a smile on her face. Why do I have to keep meeting people? Don't get me wrong, people are really entertaining to watch, but I hate to disappoint them. Which is what I always do.

"Hi." I said again, trying to keep the answers short. I shouldn't get to know her, then let her down when I disappear.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Simon open his bedroom door. He stopped when he saw us, then nodded at Kayleigh and went on his way. I watched him walk downstairs, a little jump in his step but also a little sadness.

"Vik said Simon brought you home." Kayleigh said, bringing my attention back to her.

"Yes." I said, unsure of where the conversation was going.

"Do you know who these guys are?" She asked, but I'm not sure what she meant. I opened the door wider, stepping out of the way.

"Come in." I said, even I could hear the desperation in my voice. She nodded, walking in and looking around.

"The room they have here is beautiful. You're lucky you get to stay in it." She said.

"I know." God, why was it easier to talk to her than my own sister?

"So, Simon brought you home." Kayleigh said, sitting on the bed. I took a seat on the floor after closing the door.

"Yes." I said, nodding. I twirled my phone in my hands. I noticed my boots were still on.

"Do you know why? Because no one else does, and Simon won't say." She said, tilting her head slightly.

I thought back to the airport, that seemed so long ago. Years, months, weeks. Not hours. He was different from the others he was around, he stood out. He was highlighted in a crowd, and he still was. Just then in the hallway, he was highlighted-glowing. I couldn't pin-point what it was, but something made him special.

"No clue." I genuinely couldn't answer that question. I wasn't expecting Josh to have him talk to me, and I didn't expect Simon to offer me a place to live. I didn't expext dinner, or Kayleigh. Everything here was unexpected, I think thats why leaving was easier. I knew what would happen if I did.

"Hmm. Simon is a nice guy, and no offense, but he has never grabbed someone random off the street." Kayleigh said. She seemed irritated with the fact that she didn't know why.

"Do you know what their job is?" She asked, changing the subject. I could only assume YouTube, so I told her that.

"Yeah, but you seem different. Unfazed by the fact they have plenty of money, or that they are all decent looking. You seem to hide in here. You don't talk much. You're special." Kayleigh said before standing. I stood as well, telling her goodbye.

After sitting on my bed, thinking about the airport, I came to a conclusion. It could have been hours or minutes but I figured it out.

He stood out. Highlighted, glowing. He had a jump in his step and a sadness to him. He was nervous, awkward. He was nice. Too generous. Quieter than I would have thought.

He stood out. Highlighted, glowing. He had a jump in his step and a sadness to him. He reminded me, of me.

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