Telling Him Everything

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"Hey! I live here!" I giggled softly. The guy I was with mumbled something as he led me inside.

"How did you know where I lived?" I asked. I realized I had never seen his face. A bit of fear sobered me up.

"I know you." He whispered in my ear. That voice! Something wouldn't register with me. He led me upstairs, somehow knowing my room.

"You aren't going to kill me, right?" I asked. I was hoping not, fear suffocating me.

"I couldn't even if I was forced to." He said. He opened the door for me. I stumbled slightly into my room, just a little bit tipsy. His arm was immediately wrapped around my waist and helping me to my bed.

The clothes I had given back to Simon were on my bed. I noticed that on my nightstand there was water and some pills. I could only assume Simon left them there for me, but I still had to know why he cared.

"Are you alright?" The guy asked, his arm still around my waist. I was calm and his touch warmed my body. He reminded me so much of Simon, so much it hurt. The best pain I could ever imagine.

"Stay." I mumbled, leaning into him. I felt his chest rise and fall agasint my back. It was like he was Simon. For some reason, I didn't feel crazy in the least for asking him to stay.

"Okay." He said. I watched him go close the door, shutting out what light was left. I removed my dress and put Simon's clothes on, my heart racing slightly. I didn't know this man, and here I was getting undressed in front of him. It was that immediate comfort, the immediate trust, that reminded me so much of the tall blonde two doors down.

I tossed my dress on the ground and crawled into bed. He got in next to me, his arms wrapping around me. I curled into his touch. My sense's heightened. I could hear the soft breath come out of his mouth each time he breathed. I could feel the heat from where he touched me. I could see his chest rise and fall. I could smell the alcohol on us. I could practically taste it.

And we stayed like that for a long time. The darkness hid all these things that would normally cloud your vision, the alcohol making me not think straight anyway. His touch was electrifying and calming at the same time. My heart raced when his breath reached my forehead. It was a picture perfect moment, and I would keep it close to my heart forever. Although, I had no idea who this man was.

When I woke up, he was gone. A ping of sadness struck my heart and a pounding hit my head. My phone was vibrating in my purse near my dress. I glanced at the nightstand and took the pills. I let out a shakey breath, last night replaying in my head. I moved to get out of bed and headed towards my phone.

Kayleigh: Where are you?

Sarah: Are you alright?

Allyson: What happened?

Freya: You should really tell us when someone takes you home

Kayleigh: Do you even know the guy??

Allyson: Are you awake yet?

Sarah: Just let us know you are alive

Freya: I'm gonna call Josh

"Freya just called me." Josh said, opening my door. I was sat on the ground, phone in hand. My dress was crumpled in a heap, the purse next to it. I could only imagine my hair and make-up.

"She said she would." I replied, standing up. I yawned and stretched.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Not just after last night, but with everything." I let his words sink in before realizing they were about Simon.

"Honestly? No." I said. I looked down at his clothes on me. "I just can't seem to get him out of my head, even when it's clear I'm long gone in his."

"That's a lie." Josh said, closing the door as he came into my room. I felt my phone vibrate some more so I tossed it next to my dress.

"Isn't he with that Elizabeth girl?" I asked, her name like poison on my tongue.

"He broke up with her after he saw you yesterday." Josh replied.

"After he saw me in that dress?" I pointed to the black pile on the ground, a small laugh escaping my mouth. I ignored the pain in my head.

"I have no right to be jealous, we we're never dating. He had every right to go find himself a princess. I spent two weeks crying over him, 3 weeks today. It crushed me. You don't understand, Josh. The amount of pain I felt. I felt betrayed, worthless. Do you know how many times I went for long walks, hoping I could find the happiness he had in her? He took my heart, shredded it, and he somehow manages to always put it back together. I don't understand why my heart beats so fast around him, or how it can completely stop. I don't understand the heat that rushes through me when we touch. I don't understand the sense of utter calm he can put on me. I will never understand it, and I'm in love with that feeling. I love feeling so calm and so nervous around him. I love feeling confused yet confident with him. I love how I can look at him and be okay. I might as well love him." I said, the words had just fallen from my mouth. I had so much more to say, so much more to explain. The words stopped when I realized my door was cracked open.

My heart raced when I realized that Simon stood in the doorway. Josh let himself out, sharing a glance with the blonde. I swallowed whatever lump was in my throat, ready to yell at him. I was ready to tell him how much of a jackass he was.

"Why?" He asked, catching me off guard. "Why did you pretend to be so happy for me and her?"

"Your happiness was more important than mine." I said. I felt my hand start to shake. I couldn't describe the way he looked, standing in my doorway. I couldn't understand why his eyes were still locked onto mine.

"Some where along the lines, you became my happiness." He mumbled. He walked ever so slowly to me. I felt him cup my face, my eyes still swimming in his blue ones. "So stop crying, I'm right here."

And he kissed me.

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