Letting Him Know

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I sat on my bed, flipping through the magazine that Kayleigh had given me. I was searching for a section that described when a soulmate gives up on the other, but I couldn't find it. I ran a hand through my hair and tossed the magazine down.

I left my room for a drink, only to bump into Simon who had been gone for a few more hours after I had gotten home. I made eye contact with him and as he went to speak I walked downstairs.

I didn't want to hear about how perfect it was, about how her hand fit perfectly in his. I didn't want to know about the kiss they exchanged as he walked her to her car. I didn't want to know about her annoying laugh or how pretty her eyes seemed against the soft snow outside.

I braced myself against something. Whether it was the fact I could hear everyone else in the kitchen or the fact Simon wasn't joining them, I'm not sure.

"Did Simon talk to you?" Josh asked. I raised an eyebrow at him and shook my head, which made them all groan.

"We told him to, but he obviously didn't." Vik said. I kept my mouth shut again, reaching behind JJ to open their fridge.

"Are you jealous?" JJ said, trying to lighten the mood. I shut the fridge door and opened my water.

"Yes." I took a drink and headed upstairs. The guys were whispering when I left and I was dying to know what they were saying. When I reached the top floor, Simon's door was cracked open. I was tempted to pour this water on him, but thought against it. Instead I went back into my room and looked at my phone.

Unknown: Hey! It's Allyson! We wanted to know if you wanted to have a girls night out?

Me: We?

Allyson: Kayleigh, Sarah, Freya, and I

Me: When?

Allyson: We'll be there in like, 20 minutes?

Me: Ok

I assumed Freya was Josh's girlfriend. This would be my first time meeting her, but I didn't really mind. All these girls were decent when I first met them. Somewhere nicer than others, some were kind of sketchy, but all around caring. The only reason they wanted me to go with them was probably because I had been complaining to Kayleigh about Simon.

I searched through my closet, knowing the perfect outfit. That black dress Simon had bought me two weeks ago. Crazy to think he looked at me the same way he looked at that girl today back then. I slipped on the dress and some black heels, grabbing a silver purse to match.

I went into the bathroom to do my make-up, trusting the lighting in there rather than my room. I felt pretty, something I hadn't felt for a while. I couldn't 100% blame Simon, I should still be happy without him. Right?

I opened the bathroom door. My hair was curled, my makeup was done, my dress was beautiful, and Simon was staring me down. I let him look for a while, letting him get a good look at what he had thrown away.

"Where are you going?" He asked, blocking the doorway. I mentally groaned at him. What did he care?

"Out." I said. I crossed my arms and watched him. His eyes never stopped moving over my body. I felt confident and self-conscious at the same time. Did I look okay? I look hot as hell. Why is he looking at me like that? Because I'm a beautiful woman.

"Out where?" Simon asked. I saw him lick his lips.

"Why does it matter?" I asked, one eyebrow being raised. If I had my water right now...

"Because I want to know." He insisted.

"What? In case I need saved?" I glared at him.

"Yes, actually." He stood up a bit straighter. I walked towards him and gently pushed him out of the way.

"Too bad. You aren't my superhero anymore." I headed downstairs, seeing Kayleigh and Vik hug.

"Lindzay! You look amazing!" She said once she seen me. I blushed softly, or maybe I was already blushing from my exchange with Simon.

"Thank you." I said. The other girls started touching my hair and complimenting everything I had on and how I did my hair or makeup.

"I knew you would look amazing in that dress." She said. I heard a soft cough behind me as Simon headed downstairs. As he passed me, his hand lingered on my lower back. His touch sent chills down my back and heat where his fingertips just were. It was like it happened in slow motion.

Somehow between then and the bar, I had managed to not think about it. About Simon, about her, about his touch, about the slow motion effects he had on me.

"Tomorrow you'll have been in England for 3 weeks. How do you like it?" Kayleigh asked, taking a sip of her drink. I drowned one of my shots and shrugged.

"I don't really miss anything I left behind. England is quite large and equally as beautiful." I said, sliding onto a stool.

"I'm sorry to hear about Elizabeth and Simon." Kayleigh said, buying us more drinks. So her name must be Elizabeth. So that's who the bitch was.

"It's okay. I just try to avoid him as much as possible now. And try not to plan her murder." I took a sip of my new drink, feeling the stress slowly disappear. With each sip, with each drink, I became a dancer.

I danced with the closest person, always trying to find someone else. I wanted no more than to be with Simon, but these assholes would have to do. I spun, twirled, grinded, and more. Sweat wasn't on my brow and the guy I was dancing with sent shivers down my spine when he touched me.

"Hey, wanna go home with me?" He asked. The voice seemed kind of familiar, but I shook it off.

"Of course." I said, a sloppy smile on my face. Maybe he'll take my mind off Simon. Maybe.

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