Seeing Him Happy

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"Daddy!" The blonde little girl said, her hair curling slightly at the end. I glanced over at Simon, who picked her up.

"Hey, princess." He said, kissing her head. She had a doll in her hand. I went back to making her sandwich.

Skylar Rae Minter had turned 5 in September and now it was April. We were heading over to Josh and Freya's so she could have a play date with their little Joshua Jr.

"Mommy!" Skylar said, wrapping her arms around my neck. I giggled and hugged her back. Simon took over making her lunch.

"Are you ready to go play with Joshua?" I asked her, tucking a blonde curl behind her ear.

"Yeah! Are you staying?" She asked. Usually when we took her over, we were going out.

"I think so. And, Dexterr is coming over this time." Dexterr was Harry and Allyson's little girl. She always had the cutest dresses on. Skylar didn't seem to mind, she liked soccer quite a bit. Simon had already got her to be a Leeds fan.

"Yay!" She said, flailing her arms around. I giggled and kissed her head, letting her run to the car.

Simon and I followed her, closing and locking the door behind us. His free hand found mine while the other carried her lunch and jacket.

"I love you." He said to me, kissing my temple before letting go of me. I buckled Sky in as he started the car.

The car ride was filled with Sky 'singing' along with the words of JJ's latest song. We probably shouldn't have let her listen to it, but we were the 'cool' parents. That's what Sky said, anyway.

"Mommy" She said as the song ended.

"Hm?" I asked, turning around to look at her.

"I love you." She whispered, glancing at Simon then back at me.

"I love you, too" I whispered back, giggling softly.

"What's going on over there?" Simon asked, his left hand grabbing my right one.

"Nothing Daddy." Skylar said, the most innocent smile on her face. I knew then that she was going to have boys in the palm of her hand.

"Mhmm" Simon said. The car ride continued on silently, Skylar playing with her dolls in the back. When we got there, little Joshua and Dexterr were ready to meet us.

"Hi Aunt Lindzay!" They both said, making my heart swell.

"Hey kiddos." I grabbed Skylar and sat her down. They immediately started off, running into the house.

"Hey!" Freya and Allyson greeted me, handing me a cup of tea. I smiled at Simon as he held up Sky's bag, nodding at me as he headed towards the guys.

"Hey. Why are you guys so cheery?" I asked.

"I'm pregnant. Again." Allyson said. I smiled widely and hugged her tightly, glad Freya had taken my cup from me.

"That's great!" I said, pulling away from her.

"How far along?" I asked.

"Just a month, we are hoping for a boy." Allyson explained.

"So, Harry wants a boy." Freya said, making us all laugh. We headed to the living room, the conversation going nicely. The guys joined us eventually, making the stories flow.

"So, I was on my way to take Skylar to school." I started. "When she started telling me this story about her and Joshua playing football and being the best strikers in the world."

"Awe, Josh. Listen." Freya said, hitting him slightly.

"I tried to explain to her that boys and girls are only allowed to play together for fun, but she wasn't having it." They started laughing and Simon pulled me closer to him.

"She said 'I'm just as good as all the boys at school. I'm better than most, actually. One time, Mr. Tegan told me I wasn't allowed to play because the boys were complaining.' I thought she was absolutely right and I told her to play her hardest, but to also listen to her teacher" They all smiled and giggled.

"Well, Simon is her dad." Josh said.

"Why wouldn't she be amazing?" Harry asked. I leaned back into Simon. The kids soon came running in.

"Mommy?" Sky asked me. Dexterr and Josh were waiting by the door, their parents giving them weird looks.

"Yes, sweetie?" I said, sitting up slightly. It was difficult since Simon wasn't planning on letting go.

"Can Dexterr wear my extra outfit? She wants to play with Joshua and I but she is dressy." I looked at Simon, knowing he had the bag.

"It's over there, princess" He said, pointing over to the door. They ran off so Dexterr could get dressed and so they could play.

"Do you always bring her an extra outfit?" Allyson asked.

"With a little girl like Sky, you have to." Simon said, making me smile. I moved his arms and moved so I was pretty much sitting on him. I realized Simon and I were a very touchy-feely couple. I mean, out in public we held hands or one of us had Sky. In private, we were always touching.

"She likes to kick the ball around all the time. She's usually pretty good about not having the ball during meals but it can't always be helped. And, she eats so little because it goes on her clothes and cheeks." I laughed, leaning against Simon. Freya and Josh were holding hands. Harry was rubbing Allyson's stomach slightly. Simon and I were very outward with our relationship, which was weird since we are both generally quiet and nervous people.

When we were getting ready to leave, Skylar and Joshua would not stop playing. The ball was easily being passed between them. Josh and Simon shared a look. That was never good.

"Sky, come here. Your daddy wants to show you something." I said, making her run over. Joshua followed her, switching last second to go to Freya.

Simon and Josh moved the little goal to the side and set up the normal sized one where you could take the penalty kick.

"Baby, where?" Simon asked her. She thought about it for a while before whispering it to him.

"Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded quickly and he walked to the ball. He kicked it. Down the middle, a beautiful pen. Josh had no chance.

Simon didn't have a chance when Josh banged it top left but, they were both pretty good. Skylar kept complaining about not saying goodbye to Joshua, so I let her run over to him. Simon grabbed my hand as we watched them whisper to each other. Then he kissed her cheek and Skylar ran back to us. I looked up at Simon who seemed content with everything.

He picked her up and swung her around. "I can't believe you told me to go down the middle." He said to her, making her let out the cutest giggle.

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