The End

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I hugged Simon tightly as our little girl pulled away from the house. She was on her first date, dressed up with her hair perfectly done. Little Joshua was taking her out, after years of anticipation.

"She's still our little girl, you know." He whispered, rubbing my back. He led us inside of the house. The movie was still paused on the television and the left over pizza was on the counter.

"I know." I mumbled, rubbing my face. I leaned forward and kissed Simon goodnight before he headed back to the office. He still did YouTube, but it wasn't his main focus anymore. While Skylar was growing up, he was on it less and less. I was so happy to know people loved seeing vlogs of her games or when he would play games with her. I'm still happy they have such a unique relationship.

I put the leftover pizza in the fridge and put our plates and cups in the sink. As I walked from the living room to the kitchen, I could see all the photographs from over the years.

Skylar's first birthday. The night Simon proposed. The picture from the London Eye. Our wedding. Our first dance. Skylar standing in the middle of a goal with her hands up. Skylar and Dexterr. Skylar and Joshua. A family picture, with our dog Timmy. He died last year, which I think was harder on Sky than anything.

After I finished cleaning up and turned the TV off, I headed into the office. I didn't hear talking, so I figured he was editing. I walked in and draped my arms over his chest, my head resting on his shoulder.

"Are you going to be up when she gets home?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah." He whispered back. I kissed his cheek.

"Alright. Night babe." I said, earning the normal loving grunt I always got.

In our bedroom, there was a picture of us. It was when he kissed me on our wedding day. Across from it was the note I had left Simon years ago. It was one of the first things he hung up.

I changed into my pajamas and curled into bed. I'd probably lay here until Simon came in. He'd fall asleep and I'd be the one up for Skylar. Not that I was worried about her, I was actually very eager to hear about the film and the dinner.

I stared at the letter, remembering exactly how I felt when I wrote it. And I'm so glad it hasn't gone away.

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