Your pregnant but break-up part 2 - Louis

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You stepped off the elevator as Niall and Zayn ran to hug you tight. You let tears fall out of your eyes not caring who was watching. "Were sorry (Y/N)." Zayn said.

"It wasn't your fault." You whispered. " I was gone for two weeks only two weeks and he cheats on me."

"Well, (Y/N) it wasn't the first time." Niall blurted out. You looked up at Niall and stared at him in shock you eyes widened at the thought of Louis cheating on you all those times. You felt your heart drop to the floor and shatter into a million pieces as if it wasn't broken enough.

"But what do I do?" You asked Zayn

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked.

"Guys I came here to tell Louis that I'm-" You couldn't finish your sentence so instead you put your hand on you belly. Niall and Zayn's eyes widened and you knew they understood.

Niall reached out of his pocket and handed you the keys to his flat. "Your not going to do this on your own. Take a flight back home and I'll call my mom to help you move your things into my house. Okay?"

You nodded your head and hugged the boys goodbye. "Please don't tell Louis." You asked.

**6 months later**

The boys were back from tour and you were living with Niall last week you found out that you were going to have a girl. You hadn't seen Louis since the incident at the hotel and you were glad but Louis was coming over today so you were going to stay upstairs. You heard a knock on the door and mad your way up the stairs far away from Louis. You hid behind a wall just to catch a glimpse of him. Louis walked in and your heart ached with pain as you watched Louis smile and laugh. Then Louis held his and out and a women grabbed it entering Niall's home. But it wasn't just any girl it was the one you caught Louis with. You felt your eyes start to water as you ran to the bathroom and shut the door. You looked at yourself in the mirror and then at the sink where you saw a shaver in the back. Without even thinking you grabbed the blade and held it against your wrist and slit it you dropped the blade on the floor as your wrist started to bleed. You picked up with blade and repeated cutting yourself a numerous amount of time. You suddenly felt dizzy as you look down to see all the blood you lost your head started throbbing in pain as you fell to the ground and blacked out.

One Direction Preferences / Imagines (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang