He's drunk

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Harry:"Hey babe..." Harry whispered trying to make his way over to you. "What?" You asked giggling at his drunk state. "I just want to know do you have any junk in your trunk?" Harry asked almost tripping over his feet. "Um yea..." You responded confused by his question. "Well, why don't I have any in my trunk? My trunk is empty!" Harry whimpered. "I don't know Hazz why don't we talk about this tomorrow, okay?" You reasoned dragging him up the stairs. "Okay." Harry whispered before passing out.

Liam:" I WANT MY RAINBOW PONY!!!!" Liam shouted. "Liam! You don't have a rainbow pony!" You exclaimed trying to calm him down. "YES I DO WHERE'S PEDRO?" Liam demanded. "Who's Pedro?" You asked. "My rainbow pony (y/n) oh god did Pedro, did he die?" Liam asked bursting into tears. "He didn't die Liam." You reassured him. "Then where is he?" Liam asked whipping his tears. "He went out for um a um drink! He went out for a drink he said he'll be back in the morning okay?" "You promise (y/n)?" Liam mumbled slowly closing his eyes. "Promise." "Goodnight (y/n), goodnight Pedro." Liam whispered before dozing off to sleep.

Niall:"Stop!! Niall begged. "Stop what?" You asked trying to put him to sleep. "Stop tickling me!!" Niall continued to beg bursting into a fit of laughter. "Okay, it's time for you to sleep." You decided. "Nooo!!! I don't want to sleep!" Niall yelled. "Why not? You're drunk, you need to rest." "Cause there's monsters under the bed." Niall whispered. "I promise there isn't any monsters." You reassured him. "Are you sure can you check?" Niall asked pleasingly. You sighed getting off the bed and pretended to look underneath for monsters. "See!! There isn't any-" you stopped in your tracks as you noticed Niall already passed out in the sheets. "Delusional drunk." You mumbled under your breath before joining him to sleep.

Zayn:"GET AWAY FROM HER!!" Zayn shouted at Louis who was dancing with you. "What's wrong?" Louis asked concerned. "STOP DANCING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Zayn boomed shoving Louis. What's your problem?" Louis asked getting up, "I was just dancing with her." "Lou, just leave it alone he's drunk. He's always jealous when he's I. This state." You interjected, "I think we should leave." You told Zayn grabbing his arm. "Fine." Zayn mumbled as he smashed his lips into yours harshly. "Mine." He growled shouting Louis an evil glare.

Louis:"I WANNA DANCE!!" Louis exclaimed dragging you to the dance floor. "No thanks, I think I'll just watch." You responded stepping back. "Okay, then your choice BUT YOU'RE MISSING ALL TH FUN!!!" Louis shouted as he started to dance awkwardly. You burst into laughter within seconds of watching him dance. "Pat the dog screw the light bulb, pat the dog screw the light bulb." Louis repeated to himself trying to perfect the move. "(Y/N) LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!!!" Louis exclaimed repeating the move once more. "Yea, good job babe." You responded pulling out your phone to take a video, "Keep going babe, you're doing great!!"

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