You fight but make-up and ya know ;)

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Harry: "I knew we shouldn't have come" you muttered under your breath as you looked frantically for your boyfriend Harry through the crowd of people. The music was too loud and the song that was playing matched exactly what you were feeling at the moment.....anger. "Harry....where are you?" you said to yourself and then you found him. At first you were relieved but then you realized what was happening....not only was he grinding to some drunk girl but they were making out like there was no tomorrow. You tighten your fists, your blood boiling and your sight turned red with anger he stopped and he saw you standing there, he had a stupid smirk on his face which meant he was really drunk but you were not going to forgive him...not this time, "(Y/N), babe! I've been looking for you" he said pushing the girl away, completely forgetting about her existence and walking towards you, he was so drunk he almost tripped over his own big feet "Get away from me" you said through clenched teeth "Babe dance with me" he slurred and put his hand on your waist and leaned in for a kiss but you slapped him so hard that he stumbled and almost fell to the floor "YOU ASSHOLE" you yelled and started to make your way out of the club "(Y/N!)" you heard him yell behind you but you didn't look back, the boys looked at you but as soon as they saw your expression they knew something was up and they weren't gonna come in your way. You climbed into the car and drove fast to the flat with tears in your eyes. You were in yours and Harry's room taking your clothes and shoving them in a backpack, your friend was already outside waiting for you when you heard the door slam "Y/N!" Harry yelled but you didn't answer. You made your way downstairs with your bags ready and ignored him "Dammit (Y/N), LISTEN TO ME!" he growled but you just made your way towards the door but he blocked your way "Harry, get out of the way" you said calmly "Listen to me" he said "I don't want to listen to you...ever again" you said looking into his eyes "But I love you" he said looking back at you....that did it "YOU LOVE ME? HAH! THAT IS THE BIGGEST LOAD OF BULLSHIT I'VE EVER HEARD HARRY STYLES! YOU DO NOT LOVE ME! YOU ONLY WANT SOMEONE TO PUT UP WITH YOUR SHIT. WELL GUESS WHAT? I'M TIRED! YOU PRICK! WE ARE OVER" you snapped "NO WE'RE NOT!" he yelled at you "Yes we are" you said, your faces inches from each other "We're over....when I say we're over" he snapped back only making you angrier so you slapped him " bitch" he said and crashed his lips to yours angrily "You asshole" you said catching your breath in between kisses "I love you" he said out of breath as his hands roamed your body desperately "I hate you" you said dropping your bags and pulled at his curls angrily while he carried you and pushed you against the wall so that you couldn't leave, you wrapped your legs around his torso and kissed him passionately "I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry" he said in between kisses, his voice full of need "Don't call me that" you said really trying to push him away now "No no no" he repeated and started kissing your neck "No...Harry...please" you moaned "Shhhh" he said looking into your eyes. Soon enough your clothes were all over the place and you were kissing passionately "Oh baby" Harry moaned against your lips while you screamed his name at the top of your lungs and he smiled "I love you so so SO much" he said catching his breath "I love you too....but you're still an asshole" you said out of breath "I know...I'm sorry babe. Round two?" he asked with a cheeky smile on his face.

Louis: You were at your parents house, and you were taking your boyfriend Louis with you. "So honey how's everything with Louis?" your mom asked as you two were cleaning the kitchen while Louis was talking to your dad outside "Well....I guess okay" you said "You guess?" your mom asked "Yeah I don't know mom....we've been fighting a lot lately" you said in a low voice "Oh honey but that's normal" she said trying to comfort you "Yeah I know....but lately we fight for the the stupidest things and I'm getting tired of it" you said "Well have you talked to him? You know to let him know how you feel?" she asked "Not really no" you admitted "Talk to him....he's not a mind reader darling" she said and you nodded. After you finished you both made your way outside with tea, you sat next to Louis and your mom next to your dad. Your mom and dad told jokes about each other and hugged and expressed their love for each other so easily, while you and Louis had barely touched you or looked at each other since you got there, it was of course because of the fight you had the night before and the night before that and so on. "Well I guess we better go" Louis said and you nodded, you said goodbye to your parents and climbed into the car. It was a quiet ride home...and the silence was killing you "Alright...this needs to stop" you said after a while "What now?" Louis said tiredly "This tension between us...I can't take it anymore" you said "Hmmm" he said "Hmmmm?" you said confused "(Y/N) I've had a good day....don't ruin it for me" he said in a simple and cold tone....ouch you thought to yourself and remained silent for the rest of the trip. When you finally got home, Louis went straight to take a bath without a word and that made you angry....Did he really not care at all? You were getting ready for bed when he came into the room and just as he was about to lay on the bed you threw his pillow at him "You are sleeping on the couch tonight" you said coldly and he laughed "I bought this bed I think I can sleep here if I want to" he said in the same tone "We both bought this bed!" you snapped "Ugh (Y/N) what the fuck is your problem now?" he asked tiredly "I don't know, why don't you tell me, cuz I sure as hell don't know" you said sarcastically "Fine, whatever I'll sleep on the couch" he said turning away from you "Oh no, we're fixing this now!" you said closing the door "(Y/N)...." he said as a warning "Look Louis, I get that you're tired from work, I get that you just want to rest and that your job can be hard sometimes, but you just came back from tour a couple of weeks ago and all we've done is fight and-" "Well maybe that's because you've been bitching at me ever since I came back!" he snapped "STOP BLAMING ME FOR EVERYTHING DAMMIT!" you yelled, clearly mad now "Get out of the way (Y/N)" he said trying to get out of the room "No" you said looking at him straight in the eye "Tell me what your problem is Louis" you said "How come you stopped calling me after you left from visiting me in Paris?" he asked and you remembered, when you went to visit him everything was fine between the two of you until that last night. You were out with Louis and the boys and Louis was being his usual funny self, then he started making jokes about you until it got to a point where they were hurtful, but you never talked to him about it because you thought that if you stopped calling he would know something was wrong...clearly he didn't, that's how much he laughed weakly at the realization "Why are you laughing?" he asked annoyed "I'm leaving" you said and walked out of the room "WHAT?" Louis said loudly following you "I'm done Louis, I don't plan on spending my life with someone who clearly doesn't appreciate me" you said and your voice cracked "Oh come on....don't cry" he said "I won't...I'm leaving, so I won't bother you anymore" you said looking for the car keys when you felt his arms wrap around you "You can't bother me even If you try to....I love you" he said "This is the first time you've said that in weeks" you said looking at him "I'm sorry baby, I never meant to make you feel like this" he said caressing your cheek and he leaned in to give you a light kiss on the lips....his touch was had longed for that touch for a long time, now it was your body reacting, your thoughts were fuzzy all you knew was that you wanted him now. You pulled him closer to you and the light kiss turned into a passionate kiss in no time, you could feel his arms tightening around your body and you knew that he was thinking the same thing as you. He carried you to your guys' room and layed you delicately on the bed, while kissing your jawline, collarbones, shoulders, every inch of your body until he ended up kissing your lips again "I love you Lou" you said catching your breath "Oh baby I love you too" he moaned in between kisses....and after that, all was forgiven.

One Direction Preferences / Imagines (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now