You plan to surprise him but catch him cheating instead - Part 1

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You really did miss Zayn while he was away on tour. The perk though of it being a UK tour, you think to yourself with a grin, it's much easier to pop up for a surprise visit. You wave over at the few fans who recognise you, not minding the attention as much as usual, just the thought of seeing Zayn again clouds any of the annoyance. You walk carefully around the backstage area, sure you were going to get yourself lost as you follow the signs to the dressing rooms. You pause for a moment when you hear Zayn's voice round the corner, a smile spreading across your face before you take another step, you breath catching as your gaze falls on the sight in front of you. Zayn was leant over a girl, a girl you recognised as one of their regular tour staff, effectively pressing her against the wall, with one hand gently tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. Your hand subconsciously reaches up to tuck a piece of hair behind your own ear, your ears straining to hear what was being said. "You know you're my baby girl," he mutters, a sly smile spreading across his stupidly handsome face, "I'll show you later,". Your stomach turned, and you couldn't stay to hear anymore. You walk numbly all the way back to your hotel, surprising yourself that you even manage to find the way, your mind focussed only on one thing - Zayn had been cheating on you.

Louis:You roll your eyes, just thinking of how you found yourself wandering about backstage of some arena calling out your boyfriends name. You'd turned up before the show to surprise Louis - you hadn't seen eachother in a long time since he'd been touring a lot, and he'd made a lot of comments recently about how much he was missing you. You'd turned up, much to the surprise of the other boys, who in turn surprised you in that they had in fact lost Louis. It was now only twenty minutes before the boys were due on stage in front of thousands of fans, and the five of you were still wandering around trying to find him. "If this is all some practical joke of his, I really am going to kill him," Harry frowns, opening the next door and sticking his head in, before retreating it again before closing the door. "Not before I kill him," Zayn interjects, rolling his eyes, "This is one joke too far, seriously,". You didn't say anything, but you couldn't help but agree with them. Your boyfriends fun loving nature was one of the things you loved most about him, but this, running away just minutes before a big show, this was pushing it too far. Up ahead a door opens, and you all look up to find Louis come out of what looks to be a toilet, hand in hand with a giggling girl. You take a few steps closer, taking in their flushed complexions, messy hair and the smiles on their faces as you mumble helplessly, "Lou?". At the sound of your voice Louis looks up, his eyes widening as he drops the girls hand instantly. He looks back and forth between you and the girl, and you hear him mutter under his breath, "Oh shit,". You turn your back to him, taking in the other boys helpless expressions as you mutter, "I found him," before taking off down the corridor.

Liam:You relay the hotel details you'd received from the boys assistant to the taxi driver, asking him, politely, to be as quick as he could. As you lug your suitcase into the hotel lift, you sigh happily as you watch te floors go up. Sure, you were exhausted, and jet-lagged, and everything in between, but you were going to see Liam. It had been a long time that the boys had been away on tour in the US, and you'd decided, since you had a holiday booked off work, why not come out and surprise Liam? You knock on the door of the hotel suite, breathing heavily, worn out after having to drag your suitcase along the long corridor. "(Y/N)?" Niall raises an eyebrow, a smile on his face as he opens the door wide to let you in. You're greeted by the other boys, and you smile and wave, looking around, acknowledging that your boyfriend was in fact missing. "Where's Liam?" you ask, flopping back onto the closest bed, not even caring who it belonged to. "He went out with some of the band," Louis explains, "We weren't feeling it,". "Ah," you sigh sadly, sitting up and looking around awkwardly. "But you're more than welcome to stick around with us until he gets back," Louis adds, flashing you a smile. "Yeah," Zayn adds with a wink, "We're actually playing scrabble - the riveting lives we live as One Direction!". You can't help laughing, taking a moment to recover til you take a seat across from the settee, joining in with their game, and having a surprisingly funny time. It's about an hour later when the door rattles open, and you all look up to see Liam backing into the room, his lips connected roughly with a ginger girls.

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