You tell him you can't have kids part 2

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Harry:You slept on the bathroom floor too tired to get up from all the crying you were doing. After a couple hours you felt someone lift you on their arms carrying you to your bed. You slowly fluttered your eyes open to find yourself in Harry's arms, his emerald green eyes staring down at you, "I'm sorry." Harry whispered, "I shouldn't have left." You shook your head letting tears trail down your cheeks, "No." You argued, "It was my fault." "It's not your fault whatsoever, of course I wish that we could start a family together but, there's other options. We could adopt for one." Harry replied smiling down at you. You leaned against his warm torso as tears flooded your eyes his strong arms wrapping around your waist tightly. "I love you." Harry whispered against your lips before kissing them softly, slowly pulling apart with a small grin playing on his lips, "And nothing could change that."

Louis:"Babe!!" Louis called chasing after you. You finally stopped running knowing you were going to have to face him sooner or later. "(Y/N)," Louis began out of breath, "What happened?" "I never told you," you whispered as tears started building up on the corner of your eyes, "I never told you I couldn't have kids." Louis looked at you with sympathetic eyes, "Oh baby," Louis engulfed you into a tight hug, "I already knew." You instantly looked up at him with a shocked expression, "You did?" Louis nodded his head smiling, "You think I haven't noticed you never get your periods?" "Oh." You responded still shocked, "And that doesn't bother you? That I can't have kids? I mean, why would you mention having a family together when you knew we couldn't." "Who said we couldn't?" Louis demanded with piercing eyes. "Well, I can't conceive so-" "We could adopt. Okay, love?" Louis reassured you as he reached out to grab your hand squeezing it tightly. "Don't worry, Okay love?" Louis asked before kissing your lips smiling widely. You gazed into Louis's eyes instantly returning his smile, "Okay."

Zayn:"Anything else you forgot to mention?" Zayn hissed right when you got into the car, you shook your head avoiding eye contact. "No." You whispered staring out the window. "I'm sorry I was just scared." "I know but, you could've told me I could've helped." You instantly turned to face Zayn glaring at him angrily, "Y-you t-think this is something y-you c-could f-fix?" You trembled tears streaming down your face. "You don't think I want children? And you think you could just "fix" this?" You demanded your voice rising with confidence. "No." Zayn began trying to calm you down, "That's not what I meant. It's just if you told me sooner we wouldn't be arguing about this." You let our a breath giving up, "I guess you're right." You murmured. Zayn suddenly grabbed your wrist looking you right in the eyes sincerely. "If it's the last thing I do." Zayn began his voice shaky, "I will make sure you'll become a mother. I'll make sure we get the family we deserve." You crashed into Zayn's chest his arms wrapping around you tightly soothing you kissing each one of your tears away, "I love you." Zayn whispered as he started playing with your hair holding you close to his chest, "Please don't forget that."

Liam:You stared at the clock for what felt like hours waiting for Liam to return as once he did there was nothing but utter silence between you both. Liam slowly made his way over to you handing you a folder he was holding in his hand, "What's this?" You croaked as small tears splashed against your shirt. "It's information from an adoption agency." Liam response in a low voice, "What? Y-you want to adopt?" You asked eyeing him carefully. Liam gave you a shy smile nodding his head, "Yes. I want to have a family together and if this is the only way then, so be it." Liam stated placing his hands on top of yours squeezing them firmly. "You're not mad?" "I didn't want to find out this way babe, you could've told me. That's why I was so angry, I trusted you to tell me everything and you didn't you lied to me." "B-but y-you're s-still h-here?" You asked trembling. Liam leaned in a kissing your lips fiercely, "And I'll never leave." Liam mumbled against your soft lips, "Promise?" You asked gazing into his warm brown eyes, "Promise."

Niall:You jumped as soon as you heard the door slam you sat still knowing who it was. "Hi." Niall murmured siting on the opposite end of the couch. "So? Did you rethink our relationship? Are we officially done you selfish prick just because I can't have kids?" You demanded angrily clenching your fist. "What?" Niall asked glaring at you, "I'm the selfish prick? I wasn't the one who lied about having kids." You opened your mouth to speak but instead you suddenly started to sob uncontrollably. Niall said nothing as he wrapped his arms around you tightly bringing you close to his chest. "I've always want to become a mother." You whispered between cries, "And I can't." "Shhh babe please don't cry," Niall begged trying to calm you down as he rubbed your back softly, "You're going to be a mom, okay?" Niall reassured you kissing away your tears, "How?" You whimpered biting your lip harshly. "We could get a surrogate or we could adopt but either way if its the last thin I do I'll make sure you'll become a mother." Niall promised. Niall continued holding you contently in his strong arms for the rest of the night until your tears washed away murmuring how much he loved you, until you slowly drifted off to sleep.

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