Your on your period and snap at him

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Harry:"Baaabe!" Harry called from the bottom of the steps. You covered your ears with your pillow trying to ignore him. "BAAAABBBE!!!" Harry exclaimed, "Where are you?" "HARRY COULD YOU SHUT THE HELP UP, I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!!!!" You yelled slamming the door. You laid back down on the bed falling asleep with utter silence around you. When you woke up you found Harry lying next to you. You suddenly felt guilty about yelling and scooted yourself into his arms in which he gladly wrapped around you. "Sorry Hazz." Harry kissed your cheek softly, "Mhm its okay babe I know you're not feeling well this week." Harry mumbled, "But lets forget about it, yea? Lets go back to sleep." You nodded your head slowly closing your eyes once more, going back into a deep sleep. Needless to say you felt much better when you woke up.

Louis:you suddenly woke up from bed with Louis jumping up and down. "Babe guess what?" Louis asked excitedly. "What?" You groaned covering your eyes. "Our album hit number one!" "That's great." You replied giving him a thumbs up. "Do you not care?" Louis asked disappointed. "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOUD OF WAITED UNTIL I WAS AWAKE INSTEAD OF JUMPINg ON THE BED LIKE AN IDIOT!" You snapped at Louis your pulse rate climbing. "You're on your period aren't you?" Louis asked sympathetically. "Yea... Sorry." You mumbled. "Don't worry love." Louis kissed your forehead. "You should sleep we'll celebrate later." Louis winked at you. "Gotta wait a week Tomlinson." you chuckled at his cheesiness. "Damn." Louis murmured angrily. "You're so hot when you're mad babe."

Liam:"Oh my god." You groaned trying to figure out the last math problem. What's wrong babe?" Liam asked concerned. "Nothing." You mumbled going to the bathroom. "I'll be right back." You slammed the bathroom door. " Are you sure you're okay?" Liam knocked on the bathroom door. "I SAID I'M FINE!!!" You yelled, "CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?" Liam went quiet without another word. "Do you need tampons ?" Liam asked breaking the silence. "Yea thanks and um sorry about the um yea." You mumbled trying to find the right words to apologize with. "It's fine babe you have women problems I know that but um if I were you I would change your pants." Liam replied replied walking away. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?"

Niall:you shut the door to your apartment coming home from work, tired. It was dead silence as you walked up the staid when suddenly a bucket of water was dumped over your head. "NIALL JAMES HORAN!!!" You screeched angrily. "What's with you? It's just a joke." Niall replied glaring at you. "YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE? YOU ARE SUCH AN INCONSIDERATE PRICK!!!" "God babe I'm sorry. I know you're not in a good mood this week so I got you Tylenol, chocolate, and tampons they're on the kitchen table babe." Niall apologized waking upstairs. "Where are you going?" You asked sincerely guilty about the yelling. "I'm going to get you some clothes to change into, go lay down l'll be right back." You nodded your head and went to go lie down on the couch, "Best. Boyfriend. Ever."

Zayn:you yelped in pain as your cramps grew worse. "Just 6 more days, just 6 more days." You tried to reassure yourself clutching your stomach. "Hey, babe can you make me dinner?" Zayn asked just arriving from the studio. "Sorry babe I don't really fe-" "Can you make that chicken you made last week?" "Zayn I-" "Or maybe that pasta?" "ZAYN! CAN YOU SHUT UP? I'M TIRED AS FUCK RIGHT NOW. I HAVE A HORRIBLE CRAMPS AND I HAVE FUCKING BLOOD COMING OUT OF ME. SO, SORRY I CAN'T MAKE YOU DINNER!!" Zayn's face turned cold and white and mumbled a "Sorry." under his breath before walking away. Relaxing what you've done you ran after him immediately. "Wait, babe I'm sorry I'm not just feeling well. Go sit down I'll make you diner whatever you want I'm so sorry." You begged with pleading eyes. "No, no you're right I was being selfish. You go lay down I'll make you dinner okay? You need to rest more than I do." Zayn kissed your nose gently before making you the best meal you've had in a long time.

One Direction Preferences / Imagines (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now