You cry during a movie

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Harry:"IT'S NOT FAIR!!" You cried out just as Titanic finished. "Of course it isn't." Harry agreed bringing you close to his chest, "But it's just a movie okay?" You nodded your softly, "But you have to promise!!" "Promise what?" Harry asked, "That you'll never leave me." You begged sobbing in his arms. Harry tilted your chin and stared into your eyes and kissed you softly, "I promise."

Liam:"NO!!" You exclaimed at the TV as tears streamed down your cheeks, "She can't just leave him like that!! They're meant to be!!" "Love it's not over yet." Liam reassured, "And please don't cry, there's nothing to cry about." Liam whipped your cheeks kissing your forehead, "If Noah and Allie don't back together I'm officially done." "They will." Liam responded, "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO RUIN IT!?!

Louis:"So we're not watching A Walk To Remember anymore are we?" Louis asked kissing your tears away. "No, not unless they change the ending." You whispered breaking into tears. Louis pulled you into a tight hug, "Please don't cry." Louis begged playing with your hair. You nodded your head, "It's just so sad if you think about it. How you could lose the person you love so easily, like that could happen to us." You mumbled your body shaking. Louis crushed you to his chest, "I won't let anything like that happen to us okay? I love you." "I love you too Louis." You replied sobbing. "Please no more crying!" Louis pleaded. "I can't control myself! It's just so sad!!" You exclaimed, "I HATE THIS MOVIE!!"

Niall:"Oh my god I've never seen a man love a women so much." You whispered as tears strolled down your cheeks. "What are you talking about?" Niall asked, "Noah's only building Allie a house what's so great about that?" "I don't see you building me a house." You sniffled. "Do you want me to build you a house?" Niall put his arms around you "Cause I could build you a billion houses if you want me too." Niall whispered in your ear. You burst into more sobs at N's comments "What did I say?" Niall asked trying to calm you down. "I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH NIALL!!!!"

Zayn:"So he just gives up his life for her, just like that?" You sniffled through your tears. "I know it's so sad." Zayn mumbled trying not to cry. "I LOVE YOU ZAYN!!" You cried out jumping into his arms, "I LOVE YOU TOO Y/N!!" Zayn sobbed now crying as well. "Be my Jack to my Rose?" You whispered, Zayn gently kissed your forehead, "Everyday."

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