He insults you part 1

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Harry: You had a long day at work, and plus you were fired. Or as your boss calls it "letting you off". Kicking off your heels, you plopped onto the couch. Letting your hair cascade down from its bun, you dropped your head back, and sighed contently. Suddenly, the front door burst open. Startled by the door, you shot up and saw an angry Harry. "Where's dinner?" he said in an angry tone. Oh great, Harry had a bad day too. "I didn't make anything" you said in a soft voice. Harry's eyes squinted into little slits as he growled " Really Y/N?! I come home from a long, hard (haha) day at work expecting a nice dinner on the table, but instead I come home and find no dinner, and you sitting on the couch?!" Your eyes widened at his outburst. As you began to speak, he cut you off. "You're so goddamn lazy! Can you ever do anything right?!" He screamed. As the tears clouded your eyes, you sniffled and wiped a tear before it fell. "I-I'm sorry. I'll g-go start dinner" you choked out. As you walked into the kitchen, you saw Harry's expression change from fuming, to sad.

Zayn: After returning home from a nice, long, needed run, you felt great, but tired. As you walked through the front door, you saw a huge mess! A pizza box on the floor, beer bottles strewn across the room, couch pillows on the floor, and other various types of food on the floor. What the fuck happened?! You were only gone for about half an hour! When you left, the house had been perfectly clean! As you sighed, you smelt cigarette smoke. Storming through the kitchen, you walked out the back deck only to find Zayn smoking. You walked over to him angrily & knocked it out of his hand. "WTF Y/N?!" "Zayn Malik you have made this house a pigsty, and now you're smoking, which you promised you'd stop!' He huffed & looked you directly in the eye while he growled "Cleaning up after me, is your job. And I promised you I'd stop smoking only for you to get of my back. I promised you so you wouldn't annoy me likes you always do". After he spat that, tears clouded your eyes. Letting a tear fall, Zayn's expression softened & he was about to speak when you cut him off. "Don't bother Zayn. I'll just go annoy someone else." You turned on your heel and ran towards the door. Another run wouldn't annoy anyone.

Niall: Periods suck. Flat out. All you needed was food, chocolate, & your cuddle bug Niall. Today was the worst of Shark Week (MPGiS reference). Massive cramps, and a massive headache. You really couldn't do anything, & Niall was currently at the orthodontist getting his braces off. You were happy for him, but you wished he was home. As soon as you were relaxed & were about to fall asleep, the front door sprang open, and a happy, bouncing, braceless Niall ran in smiling wide. "Y/N! Babe! I got em' off! No more metal in my mouth!!" You smiled up at him and said " Aww Niall! The teeth look good!" He blushed chuckling as he spoke cheerfully "Let's go celebrate! Celebratory eat fest!" You groaned silently to yourself as more pain kicked in " Niall, as much as I want to, I reaclly can't. My ba-" he cut you off with a loud sigh. "You never can anymore" he mumbled. "No Niall I want t-" you spoke trying to get him to understand. Cutting you off again, he yelled " You're such a lazy liar! You have been extremely lazy lately. Every time it's no! Get off your butt for once!" You were about to try to speak when he just stormed out the door mumbling "I'll just go with the boys" Almost letting one tear fall, you wiped it away. Picking up your phone, you texted Niall "If you noticed the bathroom's garbage, you'd notice it's shark week". Hitting send the Midol kicked in & you sighed in relief. Kicking the heat up on the heating pad, you were glad to finally catch some sleep.

Louis: At an awards show, you were arm in arm, your arm wrapped around Louis', and Louis' wrapped around yours. You smiled at the cameras as you posed in the finest couture. As you neared the doors, Louis yanked his arm from yours, his watch getting caught on your dress. As he pulled away, the dress started to rip. "Goddammit Y/N! Get off of me! Stop being so damn clingy! What's with you lately!!?" And with that, he ripped his arm away making a huge tear in your dress. Gasping, you looked at Louis who was looking wide eyed at you. "Y-Y/N I I didn't mean to.." he said trying to grab your hand.You yanked it away and looked at him hurt. First, he calls you clingy, then rips your dress leaving you embarrassed in front of 1000's of paps. Letting one tear fall, you ran off the red carpet, back to the limo where you were driven back home so you could weep in embarrassment privately. Were you that clingy?

Liam: Waiting up until 2:00 AM, you got tired of waiting. Liam was supposed to be home at 11! That's 4 hours late! You sighed not in the mood to wait any more, so you stood up heading for the stairs when a drunk Liam stepped in. "Hey baby!" he slurred. You sighed knowing you'd have to deal with a hungover Liam tomorrow, on your birthday. "Hi Liam" you said in a disappointed voice. "W-what's *hiccup* wrong babe?" he asked. "Nothing, let's just go to bed." As you reached for his hand, he yanked it away with a look of - disgust on his face? Your eyes widened in surprise, and widened even more when he said " I don't wanna go to bed. I wanna stay up all night (>:D) and do what I wanna do! God! Is that so hard to comprehend?! God! You're so boringly stupid Y/N!" As you gasped, he continued. " First, you don't wanna do anything I wanna do, and you can't answer a simple question!" And with that, he stormed up the stairs leaving you there upset & tears streaming down your cheeks. Were you that boring?

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