Moving Out

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Jason parked the car and went inside the apartment. After entering, he found his sister waiting for him in the couch. "Where were you?" asked Chanelle. She wasn't aware that her brother went out and was worried sick about him. "This is the last time you will ever be as irresponsible as that" she shouted. "I'm a grown ass man and I know how to live my life" he shouted back. "Well, you still act like a child" she said. "I had this conversation with you a lot of times before and it's getting annoying" he replied. "Well then maybe, you should move out" she shouted angrily. "You can't do this to me" he replied nervously. "Well I guess I just did" she shouted. Jason then went in his room and slammed the door. He got changed and didn't sleep. He decided to call Stacy but she was busy and offline. He then started checking emails and found one from Andre. He messaged Andre and the two had a long conversation until Jason was finally okay. He started to pack his stuff and finally slept. The next day, Chanelle started the car and they both left. She didn't want this to happen but she had no choice. Their parents' house wasn't that far. It was an hour long ride with no conversations at all. Chanelle was still pretty mad at Jason for what he did the previous night. "I'm gonna miss you" she said. Jason just ignored her. When they arrived, he got off the car, unpacked his stuff and waved goodbye at his sister. Moments later, he got a call from a coworker regarding their christmas party. Christmas was only a month away but they didn't have enough time to plan it better. Jason was assigned to play the guitar but he didn't know how. "But I can't" he said worriedly. "I'm sorry but Carol seemed to be in a hurry and if we disagreed, she might've fired someone. He hung up and began searching for guitar tutorials. He did nothing but learn how to play it during the weekend. He wasn't any good at it so he messaged all his friends for help. He got a reply.....from Andre.

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