Guitar Lessons

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Jason wasn't expecting Andre's reply. He read it quickly and got excited. He borrowed his dad's car and drove over to the nearest music shop and picked up the best guitar they had. He knew Andre was an avid guitar fan and he wanted to impress him. Monday came and he wore his best suit to work. He has been saving this suit for a special occasion. After work he went gave Andre a ride home. "Where do I park the car?" Jason asked. "Anywhere you like" Andre replied. Jason then found a great spot and parked there. Both of them got out of the car, went in and sat in Andre's living room. "It's hot in here, don't you want to remove your jacket?" asked Andre. Jason always wore jackets everywhere, even on casual Fridays. Andre showed Jason the basic chords but he couldn't get any of them right. Andre then changed the position of Jason's fingers and their hands touched. Jason's heart was beating very fast and he got sweaty so he took off his jacket. "Why don't you remove it often? Without it, your arms are defined very well" Andre said jokingly. "I feel naked without it" Jason replied. "I wonder what that looks like" joked Andre. "I'm sorry what?" Jason asked. They both felt uncomfortable about that joke. "I'm sorry, it was a bad joke" apologized Andre. "It's fine it just felt weird" replied Jason. Andre smiled and stared at him. "It's the first time I saw you without a jacket. I think you look better this way" said Andre. Jason blushed and his feelings for Andre started showing. "I have a girlfriend" he reminded himself. Andre heard this and became confused. Jason then told him all about his girlfriend. "Online relationships never lasts" said Andre.  "Well you don't know her" replied Jason. "You never met her, she might be a guy" Andre joked. Jason couldn't stop laughing at the joke. "Do you think I should break up with her then?" Jason asked jokingly. "Maybe" Andre said. "Fine! Maybe I Will" he replied. They both laughed about it and continued the lesson. Jason was having a great time with Andre. He looked at his watch and found out that it was already midnight. "Shoot! I gotta go" he said. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow" Andre replied. Jason then got in his car and left. He couldn't believe what just happened.

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