Back to Work

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Jason was once again miserable. His vacation was over and it was Monday. He was having a really bad day. He got stuck in traffic and he got pulled over. The elevator was also broken so he had to climb 6 flights of stairs. He was so sweaty but he still wouldn't remove his damn jacket. He went over to his cubicle and saw Andre. His day was instantly better. "How's Christmas?" he asked nervously. "It was fine I guess" Andre replied. Jason sat down and arranged his office. "What are you doing here?" Jason asked. "I missed you" Andre replied jokingly. Jason took this seriously and was very happy. Andre then got back to his cubicle and started working. Jason was once again distracted. This was the first time he saw him in two weeks. Carol then called everyone for a meeting. "The CEO is coming next Friday and he needs some entertainment" she said. Andre suggested an office play. She liked this idea and chose this. She started assigning some tasks for everyone. "Jason you'll be the director" said Carol. "We need some ideas for a concept" she shouted. She was once again in a hurry. "How about a love story" someone suggested. "That's boring, you're fired" she replied. She really needed some good ideas. "We could adapt something with sharks" someone suggested. "The CEO does love sharks" replied Andre. Carol accepted this idea and became calm again. "It's all settled then" said Carol. They all returned to their places except Jason. Carol talked to him about the promotion they agreed on. "So what position would you like?" she asked. "Actually, I've decided to stay so I can be on the same floor with Andre" he replied. Carol obviously agreed. "Actually, Can you move me nearer to Andre?" he asked. "You're so cute aren't ya" she replied. She approved this and arranged the paperwork. He then left her office and checked his voicemail. He found one message from Mitch. "I'm sorry, it wasn't your fault" said Mitch. Jason was relieved when he heard this. "I got back with Anthony and we got engaged" continued Mitch. The voicemail ended so Jason continued working. He was happy that things were finally back the way it was.

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