Letting Go

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"I need to ask you something" Stacy said. She was fighting back tears and Jason was confused. "How can I help you?" he asked. "A friend of mine asked me out and i'm asking you if I should go out with him" she replied. Jason was obviously disappointed and couldn't answer her. He didn't answer for a while so she became worried. "Are you okay?" she asked. He was very nervous because this was the first time they spoke after the breakup. "Remember when we used to play this game and we were just friends?" he asked while trying to change the topic. "I wish we could stay like that forever" she replied. They both began to reminisce their old memories. "You're not like any other girl. You're you" he said. "But you're not happy with me" she replied. She was also hurt but she can't do anything about it. "Now answer me, Can we please move on with our lives now?" she asked while sobbing. "I can't lose you" he replied. Stacy was always there for him but now she's moving on. "Answer Me!" she shouted while trying to fight back tears. Jason had no choice. "I can let go of our relationship but I can't let go of you" he said. "Thank you" she replied while sobbing. Jason was letting go of someone who had been a big part of his life. He was too exhausted to enjoy the rest of the trip. This was the first time he ever felt so in love with a woman in a long time. He didn't even notice that it was early morning already. He went back to the beach and watched the sunrise. After that, he went back to his room and took a nap. An hour later, Carol brought him breakfast. He looked miserable so she became curious. "Is it Andre?" she asked. He just nodded along and started eating. "How do you let go of someone?" he asked. "I don't, I just hope for things to be better" she replied. He took her advice and went on with the day. They both showered and packed their stuff. Their flight is in 2 hours and they need to check out of the hotel. They finally checked out and rode a cab. "Thanks for the trip" said Carol. "Thanks for understanding me" he replied. They both got to the airport and waited for their plane. Moments later, the plane arrived and they left Hawaii.

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