Chapter Four- Jealousy

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(Ariana Grande- Into You)

Chapter Four- Jealousy

IIt has been already three days that Louis and Dakota have been in Cabo, Mexico.

When they were in the jet, Dakota kept asking Louis where they were going and gave in the puppy eyes and Louis told her because he couldn't resist her puppy dog eyes.

Right now, they were at the beach hanging around.

"I'm going to go buy a drink, you want anything?" Louis questioned Dakota as he got up from his spot from the sand.

"A popsicle would be fine" smiled Dakota grabbing her purse and started taking her wallet out.

"Oh no, love, you are not paying for your popsicle. I'm paying" said Louis.

"Really Lou, I'll pay for my popsicle" insisted Dakota.

"Dak, really let me pay. This is my treat to you" pouted Louis.

"Fine, now, off you go"

"Trying to get rid of me are we?"

"They're right there" Julie whispered making Eleanor snap her head towards the direction Julie was pointing at, "Louis's is leaving from the spot and is leaving Dakota alone."

"Now, you have to act like a fan of both of them and start asking questions about them like let's say if they're dating" explained Eleanor, handing a pen and paper to Julie, "Go."

Julie slowly walked up to the Dakota Beckham, butterflies in her stomach because she was going to ask questions to the daughter of the famous Victoria and David Beckham.

"Hi, I'm Julie, I'm a big of you" gushed Julie in a polite tone.

"Hello love" smiled Dakota.

"Can I get an autograph?"

"Of course sweetheart"

As Dakota signed the paper, it was time.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything"

"Are you and Louis Tomlinson dating because there were photographs of you two being all cute yesterday and I hope you two are dating because you guys will be the best couple out there"

Dakota chuckled at this because she remembered her and Louis reading the article that was written of them two.

"I really hate to break it to you love, but me and Louis Tomlinson are not dating. We're just best friends, and besides he has a girlfriend named Eleanor Calder who's gorgeous"

"Then, what about the photographs?"

"That is because we haven't seen each other in a long time, if you considered it a long time, and you know best friends do these things all the time"

"Oh okay, thank you so much Dakota Beckham for giving me an autograph"

"Your most welcome"

As Julie walked away from Dakota she turned around to see if she was looking, and she wasn't so she ran to Eleanor.

"What happened?"

"I asked her if wether Louis and her were dating and I quote what she said 'I hate to break it to you love, but me and Louis Tomlinson are not dating. We're best friends and besides he has a girlfriend named Eleanor Calder who's gorgeous'"

"Really? What else she said?"

"I asked her about the photographs and she said that she and Louis hadn't seen each other for a long time, if you considered it a long time, and that all friends act the way they did"

"She gave a bad excuse Julie"

"I think what she said that all friends act the way they did is true because me and Jack act that way and aren't dating"

"Are you taking their side when you're my best friend?"

"Eleanor, I don't want to upset you but I am taking their side because you are jealous and don't trust Louis being with his best friend"

"How dare you do that Julie, I am not jealous of him being with Dakota and I do trust him"

"Eleanor just be honest, if you can't trust Louis being with his best friend then why even be with him?"

"Whatever you're no use and you are not my best friend anymore"

"Whatever you say Eleanor, all I'm saying is that if you want to still be with Louis then you just have to trust him being with his best friend because if you can't then forget about it Eleanor"

A/N- Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Love always, Kara xoxo

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