Chapter Nine- "No, It Can't Be Me..."

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(The Weeknd- Earned It)

Chapter Nine- "No, It Can't Be Me..."

Two Weeks Later,

"I just read on E! News that Louis broke up with his girlfriend Eleanor Calder" spoke Chloë.

"No, you're lying, they're still together" said Dakota not believing Chloë, "Surely they're still together."

"Um, no because Eleanor was spotted two weeks ago living in a new flat by herself and she seems to be quite upset by everything. Rumors has that, the break up was caused by talking about you" said Chloë reading the article on the Mac laptop.

"Me? That can't be true" questioned Dakota in disbelief, she surely couldn't be the cause of the break up.

"It's you Dakota, because here it says that Eleanor was annoyed that Louis was acting all lovey with you whereas Louis complained that Eleanor was too acting lovey with her best male friends and Louis never seem to get mad or not trust her but Eleanor can't trust Louis being alone with you" said Chloë taking a deep breath, "And that, Louis had a gift for you for you birthday which was a diamond necklace and Eleanor got the diamond necklace and threw it to the ground so hard that cause it to break and lose some of it's diamonds. Sadly Dakota, Eleanor was so furious that she threw your gift that you gave Louis and it broke."

"No, it can't be me" whispered Dakota, "I can't be the cause of the break up Chloë."

"On the bright side, you and Louis get to be together now" said Chloë trying to cheer up Dakota, "It's not your fault, it's Eleanor's fault for not trusting Louis on being alone with you."

"I have to go see Louis now"

"Okay, well then good luck, call me later or tomorrow Dakota. Take care"

"Thank you and take care as well, cheers"

Dakota rang the doorbell and waited patiently for Louis to open up the door and once he opened up the door he looked like a mess.

Louis had bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks and looked tired.

"Louis-" Dakota was saying but was cut off by Louis attacking her lips.

Louis held Dakota by her waist and pulled her closer to him and kicked the door closed with his foot.

He held Dakota, still kissing her, and pushed her against the wall and kissed her soft warm lips.

His hands held Dakota's arms above them as he continued kissing her, then let them down as he wrapped his arms around Dakota's waist and pulled her towards the couch as they continued to kiss each other

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His hands held Dakota's arms above them as he continued kissing her, then let them down as he wrapped his arms around Dakota's waist and pulled her towards the couch as they continued to kiss each other.

Louis was above Dakota, straddling her, and was still kissing her.

Louis then pulled away and looked at Dakota who looked at him.

"I love you so much Dakota, ever since the day we met each other in primary school" whispered Louis giving Dakota one last kiss on the lips, "It's you that I love."

"I love you Louis" whispered back Dakota as she pressed her lips to his.

A/N- Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Love always, Kara xoxo

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